Can You Freeze Crescent Rolls? Make Ahead Croissants

When it comes to preparing for those homemade moments that require a savory or sweet addition, many of us turn to convenient solutions like Pillsbury crescent rolls. The versatility of crescent rolls is undeniable, making them a staple for quick appetizers, delectable desserts, and even main dishes. What I frequently come across is the question, “Can you freeze crescent rolls?”—and the answer is yes. I find it immensely practical to have fresh dough on hand, and freezing crescent rolls allows for this convenience without sacrificing quality.

I’ve discovered that both baked and unbaked crescent rolls can be frozen, which means you can make them in advance and bake them fresh when needed or save leftovers for later use. This method preserves the texture and flavor, ensuring that you can enjoy the same flaky layers and buttery taste typical of freshly baked crescent rolls even weeks later.

When storing crescent rolls in the freezer, it’s important to package them properly. I ensure that the rolls are wrapped tightly to keep away freezer burn and maintain their quality. This step is key to enjoying those freshly baked moments anytime, providing the comfort and satisfaction of homemade goods with minimal effort. Whether they’re planned additions to a family dinner or a spur-of-the-moment treat, frozen crescent rolls are a reliable and delicious option.

Preparation and Initial Freezing

When it comes to freezing unbaked crescent rolls, the key is to ensure the dough remains separated and properly protected from freezer burn. I’ll discuss how to prepare the dough and the correct flash freezing technique to maintain quality.

Preparing the Dough for Freezing

Before freezing unbaked crescent rolls, it’s essential for me to lay them out on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. I start by opening the dough and separating it along the pre-made serrated lines. Each triangle should be shaped starting at the wide end and rolling towards the narrow tip to form the classic crescent shape. After shaping, I place them on the cookie sheet with about an inch of space between each to prevent sticking.

Then, I gently cover the crescent shapes with layers of plastic wrap, ensuring all sides are covered to protect against freezer burn. It’s important not to skimp on the plastic wrap – even if it requires a small extra cost, it’s worth it for preserving their quality.

Flash Freezing Procedure

After wrapping, the cookie sheet goes into the freezer for what’s called flash freezing. This process involves freezing individual unbaked crescent rolls until they’re solid to the touch, which usually takes about two hours. Flash freezing like this helps me preserve the texture and prevents the rolls from sticking together later when I store them for the long term.

Once the rolls are firm, I transfer them to either a freezer-safe bag or an airtight container. I place them gently to avoid deformation and make sure there’s at least an inch of space at the top of the container. Before sealing, I squeeze out as much air as possible from the freezer bag, to minimize ice crystals forming on the dough. Now, the crescent rolls are ready to be stored in the freezer where they can maintain their quality for future use.

Storage Techniques

When I store crescent rolls, my main goal is to maintain their freshness and prevent any quality deterioration. Storing the rolls properly is important for preserving the taste and texture of these flaky pastries.

Storing Crescent Rolls Long-Term

For long-term storage, I place crescent rolls in the freezer where they can maintain their quality. It’s essential to first freeze the unwrapped rolls on a baking sheet to avoid sticking; afterwards, I transfer them into a freezer-safe container or airtight freezer bags. This ensures the rolls remain isolated from other foods and the freezing environment, preserving their shelf life. Unbaked dough typically lasts up to a year, whereas baked rolls are best consumed within two months.

Preventing Freezer Burn

Freezer burn, which can severely affect the taste and texture of crescent rolls, is my primary concern during freezing. To prevent this, I tightly wrap the rolls with plastic or foil before placing them in an airtight container. Ensuring that as little air as possible is in the bag or container with the rolls plays a key role in avoiding freezer burn. Freezer burn happens when air reaches the food’s surface, leading to dehydration and oxidation, so a well-sealed package is a good idea to protect against this.

Baking from Frozen

When I freeze crescent rolls, I can bake them directly from frozen for utmost convenience. I’ll walk you through my process of oven preparation to achieve that perfect golden brown finish and how I adjust cook times from frozen.

Oven Preparation

First, I preheat my oven to the temperature recommended by the crescent roll package, typically around 350°F. I take a baking sheet and line it with parchment paper for a non-stick surface and easy cleanup. I arrange the frozen crescent rolls on the parchment paper, ensuring they do not touch so they have room to expand as they bake.

Adjusting Cook Times

Baking frozen crescent rolls usually requires a few minutes of extra cooking time compared to their thawed counterparts. For example, if the package suggests 12 minutes for baking from fresh, I give them about 15-17 minutes. I keep an eye on them after the initial 12-minute mark and remove them once they’re golden brown. This might require a lower temperature if I notice over-browning, but more often than not, the simple steps of adding a few extra minutes ensures they’re baked perfectly for my next time.

Creative Uses for Frozen Crescent Rolls

Frozen Pillsbury crescent rolls are a versatile staple in my kitchen. Not only do they save time, but they also offer a canvas for a variety of creative culinary explorations.

Ingredient Variations

When I’m in the baking mood, I love experimenting with ingredient variations using frozen crescent rolls. For instance, I unfurl the crescent roll dough and sprinkle a mixture of cinnamon and sugar before rolling them up to make delightful cinnamon rolls. When looking to make something savory, I might add cheese or wrap the dough around sausage links to create cheese crescent rolls or savory pig in a blanket, respectively. The options are as vast as my imagination, ensuring I can keep my meals exciting and extra special.

NutrientAmount Per Serving
Calories210 kcal
Total Fat8 g
Saturated Fat5 g
Trans Fat0 g
Cholesterol35 mg
Sodium200 mg
Total Carbohydrates30 g
Dietary Fiber1 g
Sugars7 g
Protein4 g
Vitamin D0 µg
Calcium20 mg
Iron1.8 mg
Potassium45 mg

Serving Suggestions

Regarding serving suggestions, I’ve found that presenting these frozen delights at their best quality involves more than just baking them to perfection; it includes pairing them thoughtfully. A warm cheese-filled crescent roll pairs wonderfully with a bowl of tomato soup, elevating a simple meal. Similarly, cinnamon rolls crafted from crescent dough, fresh from the oven, work beautifully as a sweet end to a brunch menu. Whether I serve these variations as appetizers, side dishes, or desserts, they’re always welcomed by my guests.

Longevity and Quality Maintenance

When it comes to freezing crescent rolls, my experience dictates that the two paramount factors contributing to longevity and quality maintenance are monitoring the rolls for freshness pre-freeze and ensuring that the dough’s quality is maximized during the freezing process.

Monitoring for Freshness

Date of the Freeze: I always mark the date on which I’m freezing my crescent rolls. This simple step helps me keep track and ensures I utilize them within an optimal time frame.

  • Expiration Date: Prior to freezing, I check the expiration date. I never freeze rolls close to their expiration date to avoid compromising quality.

Golden Color: A visual inspection is crucial. I look for a consistent golden color which signifies that the fresh croissant is at peak quality, indicating it’s the right candidate for freezing.

Maximizing Dough Quality

Dough Freezes Well: From my experience, crescent roll dough freezes exceptionally well. It retains the delicate layers essential for that flaky texture upon baking.

  • Reusable Food Wraps: To maximize quality, I wrap the dough securely in reusable food wraps, preventing freezer burn and maintaining its palatability.

Frozen Croissant: After the initial wrapping, I place my frozen croissant in an airtight container. This dual-protection strategy is key to avoiding the absorption of any odors and preserving the buttery flavor.

Following these meticulous steps in my freezing process, I ensure that each crescent roll remains as delightful as a freshly baked one when eventually served.

Defrosting and Final Preparation

Before baking, I ensure that my crescent rolls are properly thawed and the dough is primed for the oven. These two steps are crucial for the best results.

Thawing Crescent Rolls

Thawing crescent rolls is straightforward. I transfer the frozen rolls from the freezer to the refrigerator, allowing them to slowly come to a cooler temperature for about 12-24 hours. This gradual thawing process is key for the texture and prevents the dough from becoming too soft or unmanageable. It’s important that I never thaw crescent rolls at room temperature as this can compromise the quality.

Final Dough Preparation

Once thawed, I gently unroll the dough on a lightly floured surface. This helps prevent sticking and keeps the dough in top condition. If I’m preparing a large batch of crescent rolls, I bake only what I need and keep the remaining rolls refrigerated. I place a tray of unbaked rolls on a baking tray in a warm place to rise as per the recipe instructions. Using warm water during the dough preparation can help activate the yeast for a better rise. After these steps, my crescent rolls are ready to be baked to perfection.

Frequently Asked Questions

In my experience, freezing crescent rolls is convenient for future use, but it’s essential to follow the proper methods for both freezing and thawing to ensure the best quality.

Is it safe to freeze uncooked crescent roll dough?

Yes, it’s completely safe to freeze uncooked crescent roll dough. Freezing preserves the dough’s quality, allowing you to store it until you’re ready to bake.

What is the recommended storage duration for crescent rolls in the freezer?

Unbaked crescent roll dough can be stored in the freezer for up to one year, while baked crescent rolls should be consumed within two months for optimum quality.

What are the steps to properly freeze crescent roll dough?

To properly freeze crescent roll dough, ensure it’s tightly wrapped in plastic wrap and placed in a freezer bag, removing as much air as possible before sealing. This helps maintain the dough’s texture and freshness.

How should I thaw frozen crescent roll dough before baking?

To thaw crescent roll dough, I recommend placing it in the refrigerator for several hours or overnight. This gradual thawing process helps dough maintain quality and shape for baking.

Is it possible to bake crescent rolls directly from the freezer?

It is generally not advisable to bake crescent rolls directly from the freezer as this could affect their texture and rise. Thawing first is the method I’ve found to produce the best results.

Can you freeze crescent rolls that have already been baked and stuffed?

Certainly, you can freeze crescent rolls that have been baked and stuffed. Just make sure they are cooled completely, then wrap them tightly and store them in the freezer for up to two months to maintain taste and texture.

Copycat crescent Croissants

Recipe by kitcheneasylifeCourse: BreakfastCuisine: FrenchDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time



Here’s a delightful copycat recipe that’s sure to bring a smile to your face and some yum to your tummy.


  • 2 ¼ teaspoons active dry yeast (equivalent to one packet)

  • ¾ cup warm water (around 110°F)

  • ½ cup granulated sugar

  • 1 teaspoon salt

  • 2 large eggs

  • ½ cup unsalted butter, room temperature, divided into two portions

  • 4 cups all-purpose flour, more for dusting


  • Yeast Activation: In a small bowl, dissolve the yeast in the warm water. Let it sit for about 5 minutes until it becomes frothy.
  • Mixing the Dough: In a large bowl, mix together the sugar, salt, eggs, and half of the butter (¼ cup). Add in the yeast mixture. Gradually add the flour, mixing until a dough begins to form.
  • Kneading: Turn the dough out onto a floured surface and knead until smooth and elastic, about 6-8 minutes.
  • First Rise: Place the dough in a greased bowl, cover with a cloth, and let it rise in a warm area until doubled in size, about 1-1 ½ hours.
  • Shaping Crescent Rolls: Once the dough has risen, punch it down and divide it into two. Roll each half into a circle. Spread the remaining butter over the top. Cut each circle into wedges (like a pizza). Roll each wedge from the wider end to form a crescent shape.
  • Second Rise: Place the crescent rolls on a baking sheet, cover them, and let them rise again for about 30-45 minutes. They should puff up nicely.
  • Baking: Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C). Bake the crescent rolls for about 12-15 minutes or until golden brown.
  • Enjoy! Let them cool slightly

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