Does MCT Oil in Coffee Break Intermittent Fasting?

Morning Buzz or Fasting Fumble? 

Almost everyone loves the aroma of freshly brewed morning coffee! But hold on—there’s a new scent on the horizon. In recent years, adding MCT oil to that sacred cup of coffee has become all the rage in the fitness world. But why? Well, it promises an energy boost, increased mental clarity, and a slew of other health benefits. But when you’re in the fasting period of your intermittent fasting regimen, the central question emerges: does MCT oil in coffee break intermittent fasting?

Some say a tablespoon of MCT oil in your coffee is the best way to start the day, while others argue that even small amounts can disrupt your fasting window.

At its core, intermittent fasting works by cycling between periods of fasting and eating. During the fasting window, you refrain from calorie intake, allowing your body to tap into fat stores for energy. This has numerous potential benefits, from weight loss goals to improved brain health.

But here’s the twist: while black coffee is generally accepted as a non-caloric drink that doesn’t break your fast, the use of MCT oil is a topic of hot debate. After all, it’s a source of energy derived from fats. So, does adding MCT oil in coffee break intermittent fasting? Are you waving goodbye to the benefits of fasting?


Does mct oil in coffee break intermittent fasting… is complicated. MCT oil, or medium chain triglycerides, is a type of fat that’s processed differently by our bodies compared to long-chain triglycerides. Derived mainly from coconut oil, it’s become a popular supplement, especially for those on the keto diet.

While pure fat sources like MCT oil don’t raise blood sugar levels, they do have calories. So, technically, if you’re consuming MCT oil, you’re breaking the zero calories rule of the fasting period.

However, the impact of this on your overall health and fasting goals might surprise you.

Oily Origins: MCT’s Rise to Stardom 

From tropical coconuts to your daily brew, MCT oil has embarked on quite the journey. Medium Chain Triglycerides (or MCTs for those who prefer less of a mouthful) are fatty acids that have gained traction as a dietary supplement.

Unlike the more common long-chain triglycerides, MCTs are absorbed directly into the bloodstream, providing an alternative energy source for our bodies. This has made them a darling of the ketogenic diet, where the body uses fat for fuel in a state of ketosis.

But where does coconut oil fit in? Coconut oil is rich in MCTs, specifically lauric acid, caprylic acid, and capric acid.

While all these are beneficial, caprylic acid is often highlighted as the purest form of MCT, providing the most rapid energy boost. Bulletproof coffee, a blend of coffee, grass-fed butter, and MCT oil, has popularized the use of MCT oil in the morning coffee ritual.

This keto coffee promises enhanced cognitive function, fat burning, and a prolonged feeling of fullness. I have to admit that I love the way MCT oil gives me lasting energy and mental focus pretty much all day long.

Over time, the benefits of MCT oil have expanded beyond just the keto community. People seeking weight loss, improved brain function, or an energy kick without the jitters of traditional caffeine have turned to MCT oil. Moreover, its potential to enhance metabolic state and ketone production has garnered attention. In a world where dietary trends evolve rapidly, MCT oil has solidified its place, at least for now. So, if you’ve ever asked yourself: does MCT oil in coffee break intermittent fasting, you’ll have to decide how strict about calories you are.

Fasting 101: The Clock’s Ticking 

Intermittent fasting is more than just a fad; it’s a lifestyle change that has been embraced by many for its array of health benefits.

At its essence, intermittent fasting involves cycling between eating periods and fasting periods. The goal? To give the digestive system a break, boost fat loss, and tap into a range of additional benefits, from improved insulin sensitivity to protection against certain chronic diseases.

Different types of intermittent fasting exist, each with its own rules.

The 16/8 method, for example, involves fasting for 16 hours and limiting the eating window to 8 hours. During the fasting period, calorie intake is a no-no, but non-caloric drinks like black coffee and water are permissible.

The benefits of intermittent fasting extend beyond weight loss. Studies have shown improvements in blood sugar levels, brain function, and even heart health. However, one of the biggest challenges is managing hunger pangs and maintaining energy levels, especially during longer fasting periods.

Enter MCT oil. With its promise of an energy boost without impacting insulin levels, it’s tempting to add it to your fasting routine.

However, the caloric intake from MCT oil can’t be ignored. Even in small doses, MCT oil introduces calories into the system, which can technically break the fast.

But does this mean all the benefits of fasting are nullified? Or can MCT oil complement the fasting process, especially when it comes to cognitive function and fat-burning?

Stirring the Pot: Metabolism’s New Flame 🔥

The human body is a marvel, especially when it comes to processing what we consume. MCT oil, being a medium-chain triglyceride, is digested differently from other types of fat. Instead of undergoing a lengthy digestive process, MCTs are sent directly to the liver, where they’re converted into ketone bodies.

These ketones serve as an energy source, especially during periods when glucose is in short supply, such as during fasting or when one is on a ketogenic diet.

This rapid conversion to energy is one of the reasons MCT oil has been championed as a metabolism booster. By increasing ketone production, MCT oil can potentially elevate the metabolic rate, making the body more efficient at burning fat.

Some even argue that MCT oil can enhance the fat-burning process initiated by fasting. Furthermore, MCT oil’s role in promoting satiety can help manage those pesky hunger pangs during the fasting window.

But here’s the catch: while MCT oil might promote fat burning and provide an energy boost, it’s still a source of calories. Consuming it during the fasting period can disrupt the metabolic state induced by fasting.

That said, some proponents argue that the type of calorie matters. Since MCT oil is a pure fat source, it doesn’t spike blood sugar levels or elicit an insulin response, making it a potential ally for those aiming to maintain stable energy levels and cognitive function during their fasting regimen.

Calories vs. Carbs: The Epic Showdown 

When we talk about breaking a fast, it often boils down to calories and carbs. The general consensus is that consuming zero calories maintains the fasted state, allowing the body to continue reaping the benefits of fasting.

However, introducing calories, even from healthy fats like MCT oil, can technically end the fasting period. But it’s essential to consider the type of calorie. While carbs can spike blood sugar levels and disrupt the fasting state, fats have a minimal impact on insulin levels.

Yet, the debate rages on. Some believe that any caloric intake, be it from carbs, proteins, or fats, interrupts the fasting process. On the other hand, bulletproof coffee enthusiasts argue that the benefits of MCT oil, especially when it comes to mental clarity and energy levels, outweigh the potential drawbacks of calorie intake.

It’s worth noting that while MCT oil is calorie-dense, it lacks the carbs found in other calorie sources, making it a unique player in the fasting game.

The distinction between consuming carbs, proteins, and fats during fasting is crucial. Carbs, especially simple sugars, can trigger an insulin response, potentially knocking one out of the fasted state.

Fats, particularly medium-chain triglycerides like MCT oil, don’t have the same effect on insulin sensitivity or blood sugar levels. So, while MCT oil does introduce calories, it’s in a form that may be more fasting-friendly than other calorie sources. However, as with all things diet and health-related, moderation is key.

If you’re still pondering the question: does MCT oil in coffee break intermittent fasting, consider this… Adding a small dose of MCT oil to your black coffee might be a great way to enhance your fasting experience, but pouring in cupfuls? Probably not the best idea.

Sipping Science: Coffee’s Cameo ☕

Coffee has long been a staple for many during their fasting period. The rich aroma, the soothing ritual, and the beneficial caffeine kick make black coffee a fasting favorite. But when we introduce MCT oil to the equation, we stir up the central question: Does MCT oil break the essence of the fast? Diving deep, we find that while black coffee boasts near zero calories and doesn’t interfere with insulin levels, the addition of MCT oil, a derivative of coconut oil, brings in a caloric component. However, it’s essential to understand that not all calories are created equal.

Medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) differ from long-chain triglycerides. These fatty acids are processed differently by the body, offering a quicker energy boost without significantly spiking blood sugar levels.

Thus, while traditional calorie-laden additives might disrupt the fasting window’s benefits, MCT oil operates in a gray zone. It might not maintain a strict fasted state, but it offers an alternative energy source that can enhance cognitive function and mental clarity during fasting.

In recent years, the term “bulletproof coffee” has gained traction. This concoction of coffee, grass-fed butter, and MCT oil promises sustained energy levels without the typical mid-morning slump. For those on a keto diet, it serves as a fuel to kickstart ketone production, helping the body tap into fat stores.

While MCT oil in morning coffee can technically break a traditional fast due to its caloric content, it might still align with certain fasting goals, especially if the aim is heightened brain function and fat burning.

Global Coffee Rituals: A World in Your Mug 

Across the globe, coffee is cherished, but not every cup is poured the same way. In some cultures, it’s common to see small amounts of healthy fats, like coconut oil or even grass-fed butter, mixed into morning brews.

Such practices resonate with the bulletproof coffee trend, where MCT oil supplements traditional creamers. In places like South India, coconut oil in coffee isn’t a new fad but a longstanding tradition.

While the Western world is just warming up to the idea of fats in coffee, places like Vietnam have long embraced it. Their iconic egg coffee, although not using MCT oil, plays with the idea of adding rich, fatty components to the brew.

The point is, cultures worldwide have experimented with their morning cuppa, sometimes in ways that align with the contemporary fitness world’s goals, like boosting energy levels or enhancing cognitive function.

Dabbling in global coffee practices can be a great way to introduce variety into one’s fasting routine. Whether it’s a hint of lauric, caprylic, or capric acid from MCT oil, or other rich additives, there’s a world of flavors and benefits to explore.

While some purists might stick to their black coffee, there’s no harm in occasionally veering off the beaten path, especially if it aligns with your fasting and health objectives.

Expert Chatter: Nutritionists Weigh In 

In the realm of nutrition, MCT oil’s use in coffee during intermittent fasting is a hot topic. Some experts believe that the calorie intake from MCT oil, even in small doses, can disrupt the fasting regimen. However, this perspective stems from a traditional understanding of fasting, where any caloric intake is seen as a break.

Yet, others argue that the benefits of MCT oil, particularly in promoting a state of ketosis, outweigh the potential downsides of a slight caloric intake. This metabolic state, popularized by the ketogenic diet, emphasizes burning fat for energy instead of relying on carbohydrates. The introduction of MCT oil can enhance ketone production, making it a valuable addition for those looking to optimize fat burning and brain health during their fasting window.

The consensus, however, is still forming. While some studies suggest MCT oil can benefit those following periods of fasting, especially in enhancing brain function and fat loss, others advocate for a more traditional approach. The short answer is that the use of MCT oil during fasting depends on individual goals – whether it’s pure fat loss, cognitive enhancement, or a blend of both.

To Blend or Not to Blend: Making Your Move 

For many, the morning ritual of brewing a cup of coffee is sacred. And with the rise of health trends like the ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting, it’s no surprise that MCT oil has found its way into our mugs. The question remains: should you blend this popular supplement into your morning coffee or not?

The answer, as with many things in nutrition, isn’t black and white. It depends on your fasting goals, overall health, and how your body reacts to MCT oil.


MCT oil, derived from coconut oil, is packed with medium-chain triglycerides. These fatty acids are known for their energy-boosting properties. When added to coffee, they can provide a sustained energy boost, enhance mental clarity, and help those on a keto diet maintain a state of ketosis.

For some, this blend offers a way to stave off hunger pangs and keep energy levels up during the fasting window. However, there’s a catch. While MCT oil is a pure fat source, it still has calories. Depending on the amount you add (often 1-2 teaspoons), it can bring in a substantial calorie intake. For those strictly tracking caloric intake during their fasting period, this is crucial to consider.

On the other hand, the benefits of MCT oil in coffee extend beyond just energy. Studies have shown potential benefits in brain health, metabolic rate, and even digestive issues. For those who find black coffee a bit too harsh on the stomach, blending in a small dose of MCT oil can provide a smoother, creamier texture, making it gentler on the digestive system.

Furthermore, MCT oil can help reduce cravings, potentially aiding weight loss goals. If you’re considering adding MCT oil to your fasting routine, it’s best to start with small amounts and see how your body reacts. Remember, while the combination of MCT oil and coffee can offer numerous health benefits, it’s essential to listen to your body and adjust your intake accordingly.


In the end, the decision to blend or not comes down to individual preference and goals. If you’re strictly adhering to a zero-calorie fasting regimen, then MCT oil might not fit the bill.

However, if you’re looking for an energy boost, enhanced cognitive function, and a way to potentially extend the benefits of intermittent fasting, then giving MCT oil a shot might just be the perfect blend for you!

Winding Down with a Warm Mug 

As we sip on our brews, pondering the intricacies of MCT oil, coffee, and fasting, it’s evident that dietary trends ebb and flow. In recent years, the fusion of these elements has created waves in the fitness and health communities. The potential benefits of MCT oil, from boosting cognitive function to aiding in weight loss goals, are hard to ignore.

However, as with all things dietary, a balanced approach is crucial. While the benefits of intermittent fasting and MCT oil are promising, tuning into one’s body and understanding individual needs is paramount.

Whether you’re a fan of bulletproof coffee or prefer your brew black, it’s essential to remember that the best way to approach health is with curiosity, research, and a touch of personal experimentation.


1. Can I Have MCT Oil in My Coffee While Fasting?

Short Answer: Yes, but with caution.
MCT oil is a type of fat that’s metabolized differently from other fats, providing quick energy. Adding a small amount to your coffee won’t significantly impact the benefits of fasting, as it doesn’t spike insulin levels. However, moderation is key. Too much can potentially break your fast due to its caloric content.

Oil TypeEffect on FastingKetosis SupportNote on Usage
MCT OilMinimalYesQuick energy, use in moderation
Coconut OilModerateModerateLower MCT concentration
ButterModerateYesPopular in Bulletproof coffee
Olive OilHighLowNot recommended for coffee

2. Does MCT Oil Kick You into Ketosis?

Short Answer: Potentially, yes.
MCT oil can increase the production of ketones, which are produced when your body burns fat for energy. This is the basis of ketosis. For those on a ketogenic diet, MCT oil can aid in maintaining ketosis, though it’s not a magic bullet. Consistent low-carb intake is still necessary.

3. Can You Put Coconut Oil in Coffee While Intermittent Fasting?

Short Answer: Yes, but it’s different from MCT oil.
Coconut oil contains MCTs, but in lower concentrations compared to pure MCT oil. It can be a good alternative if you prefer its flavor or texture in coffee. Like MCT oil, it should be used in moderation during fasting periods.

4. What Happens if I Take MCT Oil on an Empty Stomach?

Short Answer: It varies by individual.
Taking MCT oil on an empty stomach can lead to quicker absorption and energy utilization. However, some may experience digestive discomfort. It’s best to start with a small amount to gauge your body’s response.

5. How Do You Use MCT Oil While Intermittent Fasting?

Short Answer: Strategically and sparingly.

  • Start Small: Begin with a teaspoon in your morning coffee and see how your body reacts.
  • Listen to Your Body: If you feel good, you can gradually increase the amount.
  • Timing Matters: Consider consuming it during your fasting window for an energy boost, especially if you’re feeling sluggish.
  • Balance is Key: Remember, while MCT oil is beneficial, it’s also calorie-dense. Overdoing it can negate the calorie restriction aspect of IF.

The journey of understanding MCT oil, coffee, and fasting is like savoring a good cup of coffee. It’s complex, invigorating, and offers a blend of flavors and experiences. Here’s to more discoveries, healthful sips, and finding the perfect blend for your wellness journey!

MCT Oil Coffee Recipe 

Course: BreakfastCuisine: AmericanDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time



An energizing MCT coffee recipe blends freshly brewed coffee with MCT oil, optional grass-fed butter, and customizable flavorings to create a creamy, keto-friendly morning boost.


  • Freshly brewed hot coffee (8 oz)

  • MCT oil (1-2 teaspoons, depending on your preference and tolerance)

  • Grass-fed butter or ghee (1 tablespoon) – optional for added creaminess

  • A pinch of cinnamon or vanilla extract for flavor (optional)

  • A few drops of stevia or monk fruit sweetener (optional)


  • Brew Your Coffee: Start by brewing your favorite coffee. Whether you prefer a dark roast or a light blend, ensure it’s freshly brewed to savor all its flavors.
  • Add MCT Oil: Pour the freshly brewed coffee into a blender. Add in the MCT oil. If you’re new to MCT oil, you might want to start with a smaller amount and gradually increase as your body gets accustomed.
  • Butter Up (Optional): If you’re going for a creamier texture, similar to bulletproof coffee, add in the grass-fed butter or ghee.
  • Flavor it Up: If desired, sprinkle in a pinch of cinnamon or add a few drops of vanilla extract. If you like your coffee slightly sweet, add in a sweetener of your choice.
  • Blend: Blend everything on high for about 20-30 seconds until it becomes frothy and creamy.
  • Serve: Pour your creamy MCT coffee into a mug, and enjoy the smooth, velvety texture with a boost of energy.


  • It’s essential to blend the coffee instead of just stirring to emulsify the oil and get that creamy texture.
  • If you’re new to MCT oil, start with a smaller amount and gradually increase. Too much at once can cause digestive discomfort for some people.
  • For those on a keto diet, this coffee can be a great way to kickstart your morning and keep you in ketosis.
  • Customize this recipe to suit your tastes. Whether it’s adding cocoa powder for a mocha twist or using coconut milk for added creaminess, make it your own!

Craving more delicious recipes? Try these: MCT Oil Keto Coffee