Dutch Bros Golden Eagle Recipe Best At Home Copycat

I remember the first time I tried Dutch Bros’ Golden Eagle, a luxurious concoction that marries bold espresso with caramel and vanilla flavors, topped off with a creamy finish of frothed half-and-half. This signature drink has become a fan favorite for its smooth balance of sweetness and the rich, deep tones of coffee that shine. Making this drink at home can transport you to your local Dutch Bros in just a few sips!

Using a dark roast or Dutch Bros’ own Private Reserve ensures that the base of the drink—espresso—is as authentic as it gets. The caramel sauce with vanilla, intertwined with the boldness of espresso, creates an irresistible layer of flavors. It’s all about balancing proportions to achieve that signature Golden Eagle taste.

Photo Credit: Kari Shea

Mastering the Dutch Bros Golden Eagle recipe is not just a pursuit of flavor but a celebration of the coffee culture that thrives on innovation and passion. My journey through the various twists and turns of perfecting this drink has made me appreciate the craftsmanship behind every cup. For those who share my enthusiasm for coffee, this recipe is a testament to the endless possibilities that simple ingredients, when artfully combined, can offer to our palettes.

Origin of the Golden Eagle

The Golden Eagle began as a hidden gem in the Dutch Bros menu. Its blend of vanilla and caramel flavors quickly captivated the tastes of its customers. The drink’s ability to be served hot, iced, or blended provides a level of customization that fits perfectly with the personal touch that Dutch Bros. is known for.

Expansion of Dutch Bros Coffee Shop

Since its inception in 1992, Dutch Bros has experienced substantial growth. I was intrigued to find out that from the first pushcart in Grants Pass, Oregon, the company has expanded to hundreds of locations across the Western United States. This expansion signals not just the success of their coffee but also demonstrates how they’ve maintained a consistent brand image that resonates with customers. By focusing on quality, speed, and friendly service, they’ve secured a steady growth trajectory. The notion of “see you Next Time” has become a familiar farewell for a growing customer base eager to return.

Ingredients Breakdown

The Role of Espresso

Espresso is the robust base for the Golden Eagle, giving a concentrated coffee flavor. Generally, a Dutch Bros Golden Eagle includes two shots of espresso, which ensure that the coffee essence isn’t lost amongst the other rich flavors.

Milk Varieties and Preferences

While the traditional recipe calls for half & half to create the creamy texture characteristic of a breve, milk options vary to cater to different dietary preferences and flavor profiles. Here are common alternatives:

  • Almond Milk: Nutty and light, yet slightly less creamy.
  • Oat Milk: Creamy with a hint of sweetness, becoming a popular choice.
  • Coconut Milk: Adds a tropical twist with a lighter consistency.
  • Whole Milk: For those preferring a richer, more velvety texture.
  • Soy Milk: A smooth option that steams well for a frothy finish.

Each milk choice adds its unique twist to the beverage while still capturing the intended richness.

Sweetener Options

Sweetness in the Golden Eagle comes from a delightful combination of vanilla syrup and caramel sauce. To fine-tune the drink’s sweetness to personal taste or dietary needs, various Torani Syrups are available, including sugar-free options. The standard recipe includes:

  • 1 TBSP Vanilla syrup
  • 1 TBSP Caramel sauce (additional for drizzle)

These syrups blend with the espresso and milk to create the signature flavor profile of the Golden Eagle, with the possibility for customization to individual sweetness levels and dietary preferences.

Brewing The Perfect Espresso

A steaming espresso machine with a golden eagle emblem on the front, surrounded by coffee beans and a frothing pitcher

To craft an exceptional Golden Eagle, it begins with the foundation—espresso. Mastering the espresso is both an art and a science that transforms quality coffee beans into a rich, bold shot.

Espresso Machine vs. Alternatives

When pursuing the perfect espresso for a Golden Eagle, I always reach for a high-quality espresso machine. The machine ensures optimal temperature and pressure control, essential for extracting the deep, complex flavors from the coffee beans. Alternatives like a Moka Pot or a French Press offer different texture and flavor profiles. While a Moka Pot produces a strong, concentrated coffee, it lacks the crema and intensity of a true espresso shot. Meanwhile, a French Press delivers a full-bodied brew but without the typical espresso richness and pressure-extracted oils.

Achieving Bold Espresso

The secret to a bold espresso lies in fresh, finely-ground coffee beans. I recommend a dark, robust roast for a Golden Eagle, as the espresso needs to hold its own against the syrups and half-and-half. The grind size should be fine but not powdery, aiming for a consistency similar to table salt. Here’s a concise way to remember the process:

  • Grind: Fresh beans to fine consistency.
  • Dose: Approximately 18-20 grams for a double shot.
  • Tamp: Apply even pressure to level the grounds.
  • Time: Aim for a 25-30 second pull for the optimal extraction.
  • Taste: The espresso should be rich, smooth, and have a slight natural sweetness.

Achieving bold espresso requires patience and attention to detail, whether you’re dialing in the grind or tamping the grounds. The goal is a balanced extraction that harnesses the full potential of the beans.

Step-by-Step Brewing Guide

I’ll walk you through the precise steps to craft the iconic Dutch Bros Golden Eagle at home.

Iced Version

To begin making the Iced Golden Eagle, you’ll need a tall glass ready at room temperature. Here are the simple steps to follow:

  1. Brew the Espresso:

    • Start by brewing two strong espresso shots.
    • Let the espresso cool slightly to avoid melting the ice too quickly.
  2. Combine Ingredients:

    • In your glass, pour the espresso over a generous handful of ice.
    • Add two tablespoons of vanilla syrup.
    • Stir in two tablespoons of caramel sauce.
  3. Finish with Cream:

    • Slowly pour in half-and-half until your glass is almost full, leaving some space for stirring.
  4. Mix and Garnish:

    • Gently stir the mixture to blend the flavors together.
    • Drizzle caramel sauce over the top for an added touch of sweetness.

Hot Version

When making the Hot Golden Eagle, start with a preheated mug to maintain the beverage’s temperature. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Pull the Espresso Shots:

    • Pull two shots of espresso directly into your warmed mug.
  2. Add Sweeteners:

    • Stir in two tablespoons each of vanilla syrup and caramel sauce into the espresso.
  3. Top with Cream:

    • Fill the mug with steamed half-and-half up to about three-quarters of the mug.
  4. Stir and Serve:

    • Stir thoroughly to meld the flavors.
    • Enjoy as is, or top with whipped cream and a caramel drizzle for extra indulgence.

Customization and Variations

Dairy-Free and Sugar-Free Adaptations

If you’re avoiding dairy, opting for almond milk or coconut milk can provide a similar creaminess with a unique flavor profile. When looking for a Sugar-Free Version, I recommend using sugar-free caramel sauce and sugar-free vanilla syrup, which are available in most stores and can replicate the classic taste without the added sugar.

  • Dairy Alternatives:

    • Almond milk
    • Coconut milk
    • Soy milk
  • Sugar-Free Syrups:

    • Sugar-Free Caramel Sauce
    • Sugar-Free Vanilla Syrup

Adjusting to Taste and Nutrition

Calorie needs and general nutrition advice often suggest moderation in sugar and fat intake. If you’re conscious about your calorie intake, you can reduce the number of espresso shots or syrup pumps. For a lighter version, choosing a smaller size or skim milk can also make a difference.

  • Calorie and Nutrition Adjustments:
    • Use fewer espresso shots or syrup pumps
    • Choose smaller size for lower calorie intake
    • Opt for skim milk or a milk substitute

Dutch Bros Inspired Drinks

I often find myself drawn to the rich flavors and unique combinations that Dutch Bros offers. The iconic Golden Eagle is a testament to the innovative spirit of their menu. Let’s explore the influence of this signature drink and its place among other fan favorites.

From Golden Eagle to Creative Twists

The Golden Eagle is a beacon of Dutch Bros’ inventive approach to coffee. It integrates a smooth vanilla and caramel flavor with a classic breve. Proficiently creating a Dutch Bros Golden Eagle at home involves espresso, vanilla syrup, and caramel sauce.

  • Iced, Hot, or Blended: You can experiment with the drink hot, iced, or blended to suit your mood. This versatility allows me to put creative spins on my homebrewed version.
  • Chai Tea: Infusing a Golden Eagle Chai twist offers a spicy yet sweet experience for those craving a different kind of warmth.

My recipe stays true to the essence of the original but doesn’t hesitate to embrace different ways to enjoy it.

Other Fan Favorites

Dutch Bros’ menu is like a playground for coffee enthusiasts, where familiar drinks are just the beginning. Crafting copycat recipes at home allows fans like me to bring a piece of that joy into our kitchens.

  • Most Popular Drinks: I take inspiration from their top picks, like the vibrant and bold Annihilator or the refreshing Double Rainbro.

By staying up-to-date with Dutch Bros’ trendy selections, I ensure my homemade drinks are always on point.

Presentation and Serving Tips

When crafting a Golden Eagle from Dutch Bros, presentation is just as important as taste.

Achieving the Perfect Soft Top

To attain the ideal soft top on my Golden Eagle, I start with a base of cold brew if I’m making an iced version, making sure it’s chilled and robust to support the additions. I pour my mixture gently over ice to preserve a distinct layer. When preparing a hot version, I ensure my base is well-steamed for that frothy texture. Next, I add a generous amount of whipped cream; this not only adds to the creaminess but also holds the caramel drizzle beautifully.

Garnishing With Caramel Drizzle

The caramel drizzle is not simply a garnish; it is an integral part of the flavor profile. I use a generous amount, drizzling enough caramel sauce over the whipped cream to create a stunning pattern while infusing every sip with its rich, sweet flavor. For an extra caramel kick, I give an additional zigzag over the top, ensuring that the caramel is one of the first notes detected.

Frequently Asked Questions

In this section, I will address some common queries about the Dutch Bros Golden Eagle drink, including how to make it at home, its ingredients, and various dietary options.

How can I replicate the Dutch Bros Golden Eagle drink at home?

To make a Golden Eagle copycat, I start by brewing strong espresso and mixing it with vanilla syrup and half-and-half. After achieving a creamy consistency, I top it with whipped cream and a caramel drizzle, mimicking the coffee shop version.

What are the ingredients in a Golden Eagle from Dutch Bros?

A traditional Golden Eagle includes rich espresso shots, vanilla syrup, caramel sauce, and half-and-half. This combination is then typically finished with a layer of whipped cream.

Are there sugar-free options available for the Golden Eagle at Dutch Bros?

Yes, at Dutch Bros, I can request sugar-free versions of the vanilla syrup and caramel sauce to customize the Golden Eagle drink according to my dietary needs.

What nutritional information is available for the Dutch Bros Golden Eagle drink?

Nutritional details, such as calorie count and sugar content, for a Dutch Bros Golden Eagle can vary based on the size and specific ingredients used. Generally, it’s a richer drink due to the half-and-half and syrups.

NutrientAmount per Serving
Total Fat10g
– Saturated Fat6g
Total Carbohydrates35g
– Dietary Fiber0g
– Sugars30g

Is there a difference between the iced, freeze, and other versions of the Golden Eagle at Dutch Bros?

The Golden Eagle can be enjoyed hot, iced, or as a freeze. Each variant offers a different temperature and texture experience, but the core flavors remain consistent across the different serving options.

How does Dutch Bros achieve the creamy texture in their drinks like the Golden Eagle?

Dutch Bros utilizes a combination of well-pulled espresso and the right proportion of half-and-half to create a smooth, creamy texture in drinks like the Golden Eagle. Proper mixing and the addition of syrups enhance the richness.

Dutch Bros Golden Eagle Copycat

Recipe by kitcheneasylifeCourse: DrinksCuisine: DutchDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time



Creamy vanilla and caramel sweetness and bold coffee flavor give you a refreshing caffeine jolt! Ready in 5 minutes!


  • 2 shots of espresso (or 1/2 cup of strongly brewed coffee)

  • 1/2 cup of milk (dairy or non-dairy)

  • 2 tablespoons of caramel syrup

  • 1 tablespoon of vanilla syrup

  • Ice cubes


  • Brew your espresso or coffee and let it cool slightly.
  • In a shaker or tall glass, combine the cooled coffee, milk, caramel syrup, and vanilla syrup.
  • Shake or stir until well mixed.
  • Fill a glass with ice cubes.
  • Pour the coffee mixture over the ice.
  • Stir gently to combine.
  • Optional: drizzle additional caramel syrup on top for extra sweetness.

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