Easy Rasmalai Recipe Made with Ricotta Cheese

Modern Twist on Tradition: Rasmalai with Ricotta Cheese Recipe Unveiled

If you’ve ever found yourself lost in its luscious, creamy goodness, you might also wonder: where did this heavenly dessert originate? Time for a quick culinary history lesson! Rasmalai is a classic that hails from Eastern India, capturing hearts and taste buds since as far back as the 16th century. Yep, this dessert isn’t just a flash in the pan; it’s an age-old delicacy. But it’s not just about the taste; rasmalai holds a special place in the tapestry of Indian culture. Whether it’s a wedding, a festival, or an auspicious family gathering, this sweet treat is synonymous with celebration, joy, and unity. Traditionally made with paneer, a type of Indian cottage cheese, and soaked in saffron and cardamom-infused sweet milk, rasmalai is more than a dish—it’s a cultural icon. And today, we’re giving this time-honored classic a modern makeover with rasmalai with ricotta cheese recipe!

The Prelude: Why Ricotta Cheese?

First things first, why are we even considering ricotta cheese in a traditional rasmalai recipe? Well, for starters, ricotta cheese is smooth, easy to work with, and readily available. Sure, you can go ahead and make your own paneer or cottage cheese from whole milk, but using store-bought ricotta gives you some extra family time. And, if you’ve been making the traditional rasmalai for a long time, a little change can be refreshing. Last year, I switched to ricotta cheese rasmalai, and trust me, the family members didn’t just approve; they wanted more!

To make this yummylicious dessert recipe, you’ll need to mix ricotta cheese with some milk powder and icing sugar. Unlike the classic Indian dessert, which usually requires cheese balls, this version uses cheese ‘discs’ that are baked to perfection. It’s an easier approach that requires a preheated oven and a muffin pan. Yep, you heard it right—a muffin pan instead of a laborious water bath.

The Preparation: Making the Cheese ‘Discs’

Let’s start by prepping the star of the show: the cheese. For this rasmalai with ricotta cheese recipe, you’ll need about two cups of ricotta. Make sure it’s at room temperature so it’s easier to mix. You’ll also need a cup of milk powder and a cup of sugar. Using an electric mixer, combine these ingredients in a large bowl until well blended. But don’t just stop there. Sprinkle a little ground cardamom into the mix for that authentic rasmalai flavor.

Now, here comes the fun part. Spray some oil spray into the muffin cups of your muffin tray. Divide your cheese mixture evenly among the cups. Just two spoons of cheese mixture per cup should do the trick. Level the top with the help of a toothpick, and you’re ready to bake. In a preheated oven at 350°F, bake these cheesy discs for 25 – 30 minutes until they turn a slight brown. Once they’re done, let them cool in individual serving dishes. The best time to take them out is when the cheese sets and becomes a bit firm, signaling that your baked ricotta cheese is ready for the next step.

The Milking Process: Preparing the Sweet Milk

While your cheese bakes, it’s the perfect time to get the sweet milk ready. In a large pan, pour four cups of whole milk and bring it to a low heat. You’ll want the milk to reduce, becoming thicker as you go. Add two cups of sugar and continue to stir. Throw in some cardamom powder, saffron strands, and rose petals for good measure and a burst of flavor. Keep stirring to avoid burning the milk.

You’re aiming for a thickened milk consistency that will coat the back of a spoon. Once you’ve achieved that, set your pan aside and let the sweetened milk cool. If you like, you can add a splash of rose water for an extra burst of fragrance and flavor. But what’s really important is to make sure you’ve got the best taste. Take a quick sample; if it needs more sugar, go ahead and add some.

The Union: Marrying the Cheese and Milk

After your cheese ‘discs’ are done baking, it’s time for the magic to happen. But first, let’s make sure they’re adequately cooled. You can use a food processor to slice them into smaller cake pieces if you like. Now, dunk these pieces into the large pan of cooled milk mixture. The goal is to let the cheese absorb all the sweet milk goodness.

Stir gently, making sure you don’t break the cheese. You’ll notice that the milk starts to seep into the cake pieces, making them softer and juicier. At this point, cover the pan and let it chill in the refrigerator for at least two hours. The longer it sits, the more the flavors will meld together, giving you a rasmalai with ricotta cheese that’s beyond delicious.

The Presentation: Plating and Garnishing

Alright, let’s get to the fun stuff: plating this delicious recipe! Now, you could serve this straight from the pan, but why not elevate the experience? First, transfer the chilled cheese cakes into dessert bowls. Use a ladle to pour the thickened milk over the cheese, making sure to capture a few of those saffron strands and rose petals in the process. Presentation is key, my friends.

But wait, we’re not done! Take this opportunity to add a sprinkle of ground cardamom or a dash of rose water for that extra oomph. If you’re feeling fancy, you could also garnish with some slivered almonds or pistachios. It’s your rasmalai with ricotta cheese recipe; make it your own! After all, happy cooking is all about personal touches.

Storing and Reheating: Tips for the Best Taste

You’ve put in all this effort, and maybe—just maybe—you’ve got some leftovers (though I doubt it!). So what’s the best way to store this for another day? Ideally, this dessert is best served fresh. However, you can store the rasmalai in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2-3 days. Make sure to store the cheese and milk separately to maintain the best taste.

To reheat, gently warm the sweet milk on medium heat, but avoid boiling it. Once it’s warm, you can reintroduce the cheese cakes and let them soak for a few minutes before serving. Now, isn’t that a lovely way to relish this Indian rasmalai with an interesting twist?

Quick Tips and Tricks: Making Your Life Easier

If you’ve been keeping count, you might realize we’ve talked about quite a lot of kitchenware: from a muffin tin to a large pan and even a food processor. Don’t worry; this rasmalai with ricotta cheese recipe might sound labor-intensive, but with a little time management, it’s a breeze. For instance, while your cheese is baking, you can use that 25 – 30 minutes to prepare your sweet milk. That’s multitasking at its finest!

Also, if you’re watching your calorie diet, you can adjust the amount of sugar in both the cheese and the milk mixture. A few tablespoons of icing sugar can also be swapped with a natural sweetener. So, it’s not just a delicious recipe, but it can be a bit health-conscious too!

There you have it, folks—your guide to making a sensational rasmalai with ricotta cheese. Now go out there, whip up this delectable treat, and wait for the oohs and aahs from family and friends. Trust me, they’ll be asking for this recipe faster than you can say “ricotta cheese rasmalai!”

The Variations: Mix it Up a Little

So you’ve mastered the rasmalai with ricotta cheese recipe. But what’s next? Well, how about some exciting variations? The beauty of this dish is its versatility. You can easily switch things up without losing the essence of this classic Indian dessert. For instance, instead of ground cardamom, why not try a pinch of cinnamon for a winter-spiced version?

Or, let’s talk cream cheese. Yes, you heard me. While it’s not the same as ricotta or even cottage cheese, cream cheese brings a luxurious texture to the table. Combine it with some milk curd and a dash of lemon juice and you’ve got yourself a different yet equally delicious rasmalai.

The Vegan Route: A Dairy-Free Alternative

Who says rasmalai has to be off-limits for our plant-based pals? If you’re vegan or lactose intolerant, you can still enjoy this delicious recipe. The trick here is to use coconut milk or almond milk instead of whole milk for the sweetened milk. Trust me, the result is just as luscious.

For the cheese ‘discs’, try using a dairy-free cream cheese alternative, or even some finely ground cashews mixed with a little coconut cream. Make sure to adjust the cooking time and watch the consistency closely. It might require a little more time in the oven, say 35- 40 minutes, but the end result is worth the wait.

Hosting a Party? Here’s How to Scale

Okay, let’s say you’ve got some friends coming over, and you want to blow their socks off with this rasmalai with ricotta cheese. The recipe can be easily scaled up to feed a crowd. However, you’ll need to account for a longer cooking time for the sweet milk and possibly, multiple batches for the cheese discs if your muffin tin or rectangular baking tray can only hold so much.

The key is to prepare in advance. You can make the cheese ‘discs’ a day before and store them in the fridge. As for the sweet milk, it’s actually better when prepared ahead of time; it gives the flavors more time to meld. Just keep in mind that you might need individual serving dishes or even a large serving bowl to present it elegantly.


Is Rasmalai Made of Ricotta Cheese?

Traditionally, no. Rasmalai, a classic Indian sweet dish, is originally made using chhena, a type of cottage cheese. However, the modern kitchen sees no boundaries! Ricotta cheese, with its smooth texture and mild flavor, has become a popular, easy-to-use substitute. So, while it’s not traditional, using ricotta cheese can yield delicious results and save time in the kitchen!

Is Rasmalai Made of Cottage Cheese?

Yes, traditionally! Rasmalai’s authentic recipe calls for chhena, a variant of cottage cheese. It’s made by curdling milk and then separating the curds from the whey. These curds are then kneaded into a dough, formed into balls, and cooked in a sweet, creamy milk. This method is a bit more labor-intensive but definitely worth the effort for that authentic taste.

What is the Difference Between Cottage Cheese and Ricotta Cheese?

Cottage cheese and ricotta cheese are often confused, but they have distinct differences:

  • Texture: Cottage cheese has a chunkier, more curdled texture, while ricotta is smoother and creamier.
  • Production: Cottage cheese is made from curdled milk and left somewhat drained, retaining some whey. Ricotta, on the other hand, is made from the whey left over from making other cheeses, giving it a lighter texture.
  • Flavor: Cottage cheese has a mildly salty flavor, whereas ricotta is sweeter and milder.
  • Fat Content: Ricotta generally has a higher fat content, especially if made from whole milk.
FeatureRicotta CheeseCottage CheeseCream Cheese
TextureSmooth and creamyChunky and curdledDense and smooth
ProductionMade from wheyMade from curdled milkMade from cream/milk
FlavorMild and slightly sweetMildly saltyRich and tangy
Fat ContentHigher (if whole milk)LowerHigher
UsesDesserts, fillingsSalads, toppingsSpreads, frostings

Is Ricotta Cheese Like Cream Cheese?

Ricotta and cream cheese share a creamy texture but differ in taste and consistency:

  • Consistency: Ricotta is lighter and grainier, while cream cheese is denser and smoother.
  • Taste: Ricotta has a milder, slightly sweet flavor. Cream cheese is richer and has a more tangy profile.
  • Uses: Cream cheese is a spread, fantastic for bagels and frosting. Ricotta shines in Italian dishes and as a filling or ingredient in desserts.

Is Ricotta Creamier than Cottage Cheese?

Absolutely! Ricotta cheese boasts a smoother, more spreadable consistency compared to the chunkier, curdled nature of cottage cheese. This creamy texture makes ricotta a great choice for desserts like rasmalai, where a smooth, delicate texture is desired.

Whether it’s a holiday, a special occasion, or just a ‘I-need-some-comfort-food’ kind of day, this recipe is a surefire hit. Try our delicious ricotta cheese Rasmalai and tell us what you think in the comments!

Easy Rasmalai Recipe Made with Ricotta Cheese

Course: DessertCuisine: IndianDifficulty: Medium


Prep time


Cooking time



This rasmalai with ricotta cheese blends the creaminess of ricotta with the sweetness of cardamom and saffron-infused milk for a melt-in-your-mouth experience.


  • For the Ricotta Cheese Dumplings:

  • 2 cups ricotta cheese (store-bought or homemade)

  • 1/4 cup sugar

  • A pinch of cardamom powder

  • For the Sweet Milk:

  • 4 cups whole milk

  • 1/2 cup sugar

  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cardamom

  • A few saffron strands

  • 1 tablespoon rose water

  • Optional Garnish:

  • Sliced almonds or pistachios

  • Rose petals


  • Making the Ricotta Cheese Dumplings:
  • Preheat the Oven: Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). Lightly grease a muffin tin with oil spray.
  • Prepare the Cheese Mixture: In a large bowl, combine the ricotta cheese, 1/4 cup sugar, and a pinch of cardamom powder. Use an electric mixer to blend until smooth.
  • Bake: Divide the cheese mixture into the muffin cups. Bake in the preheated oven for 25 – 30 minutes or until they turn a slight brown on top.
  • Cool Down: Once baked, remove from the oven and allow the baked ricotta cheese dumplings to cool to room temperature.
  • Making the Sweet Milk:
  • Simmer the Milk: Place 4 cups of whole milk in a large pan and bring it to a boil on medium heat. Reduce heat to low and continue to simmer, stirring occasionally, until the milk is reduced by half.
  • Add Flavor: Add in the 1/2 cup sugar, ground cardamom, and saffron strands. Stir well.
  • Final Touch: Remove from heat and stir in the rose water.
  • Putting it All Together:
  • Soak the Dumplings: Place the cooled ricotta cheese dumplings in a dessert bowl and pour the sweetened, thickened milk over them. Allow them to soak for at least 30 minutes to absorb the flavors.
  • Garnish: Before serving, garnish with some sliced almonds or pistachios and a sprinkle of rose petals for that extra oomph.
  • Chill and Serve: For the best taste, chill the rasmalai for a couple of hours before serving. This also allows the flavors to meld beautifully.


  • Read below for alternative cheese version and vegan version.

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