First Watch Chia Pudding Recipe: Healthy Superfood

Chia pudding has become a trendy and healthy option for breakfast or snacks, particularly for those looking for nutritious and convenient meal ideas. I’ve tried various recipes, but the First Watch Chia Pudding remains a favorite of mine. With its oh so creamy texture and tropical flavors, this chia pudding includes a delightful combination of chia seeds, coconut milk, and mango, alongside other simple ingredients. These components come together to create a dish that’s not only delicious but also packed with essential nutrients.

A clear glass bowl filled with layers of chia seeds and almond milk, topped with fresh berries and a drizzle of honey

Making this enjoyable treat at home offers a perfect start to the day. I appreciate how it requires just a few minutes of preparation, with no cooking involved, making it an excellent option for busy mornings. Plus, the versatility of the chia pudding means I can switch up the toppings with different fruits and nuts to keep things interesting.

What Is Chia Pudding?

Chia pudding is a nutritious treat I enjoy for its simplicity and health benefits. It’s made by soaking chia seeds, which are tiny, nutrient-packed beads, in a liquid until they expand and create a tapioca-like texture. The most common liquid used is milk—dairy or plant-based varieties—which transforms the seeds into a gelatinous mixture after several hours of refrigeration.

Key Components and Nutrition:

  • Chia Seeds: Central to the recipe, offering high fiber content and quality plant protein.
  • Liquid: Milk or a milk alternative to hydrate the seeds.
  • Flavorings: Vanilla extract, sweeteners like maple syrup, or spices.
  • Toppings: Fresh fruits, nuts, or granola for added texture and taste.

The beauty of chia pudding lies in its versatility. I can mix in various ingredients based on my preferences or dietary needs. What makes this dish an excellent choice for my health-conscious friends is its status as a very excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids and also healthy fats. These contribute not only to cardiovascular health but also to overall well-being.

As a healthy fat-rich food, chia pudding has captured my attention for its potential beauty benefits too. The omega-3s and antioxidants in the seeds can support skin health, offering more reasons to add this dish to my diet. When I prepare it, I rejoice in the fact that I’m indulging in a treat that’s as good for me as it is delicious.

Nutritional Benefits

A glass bowl filled with chia seeds soaking in coconut milk, surrounded by fresh berries and sliced almonds

When I prepare this First Watch chia pudding recipe for my healthy breakfast, I am not only indulging in a delicious start to the day but also banking on numerous nutritional benefits. Chia seeds, the main component of this dish, are remarkably nutrient-dense, which contributes to its status as a nutritious breakfast choice.

  • Fatty Acids: Chia seeds are found to be an excellent source of amazing omega-3 fatty acids, essential for heart health and cognitive functions. They can’t be produced by the body and must be obtained through diet.
  • Fiber: One serving of chia pudding contains a good amount of dietary fiber, which aids in maintaining stable blood sugar levels and promoting digestive health.

Here’s a quick glance at what a serving of chia pudding brings to the table:

NutrientApproximate Value% Daily Value*
Total Fat9g13%
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Total Carbohydrates20g7%
Dietary Fiber10g40%

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.

By incorporating chia seeds into my morning routine, I equip my body with components integral for my well-being. These tiny black seeds pack a powerful punch and align with my goal to maintain a balanced diet. I am confident in recommending this First Watch chia pudding not just for its taste but for its contribution to a wholesome and nutritious breakfast.

Choosing Your Ingredients

A hand reaches for a jar of chia seeds, while a bowl of almond milk and a spoon sit on the counter. Ingredients are laid out for making chia pudding

Crafting the perfect chia pudding starts with selecting quality ingredients that resonate with your health choices and taste preferences. Here’s how I ensure each component will come together to create a delectable treat.

Selecting the Best Milk

When I make my chia pudding, I prefer using plant-based milk in my pudding, like almond milk or coconut milk, which is perfect for a creamy base. Both are excellent non-dairy alternatives that contribute to the creamy texture of the pudding. If you’re looking for a lighter option, almond milk is your go-to, while coconut milk adds a tropical richness.

Adding Sweetness

Chia pudding needs a touch of sweetness, and I like to keep things natural. I opt for pure maple syrup, date syrup, or agave nectar. They not only sweeten the pudding but do so more gradually, preventing blood sugar spikes. For those who prefer a low-calorie option, monk fruit sweetener is a great choice.

Enhancing Flavors

To amplify the taste of my chia pudding, I incorporate flavors that complement the sweetness. A splash of vanilla extract or even a sprinkle of cinnamon can elevate the pudding. Adding almond butter or peanut butter can introduce a nutty profile that pairs well with the natural ingredients.

Creating Texture

The key to a creamy chia pudding lies in giving the seeds enough time to expand. I ensure they’re well dispersed in the liquid to prevent clumping. Sometimes, I like to mix in a dollop of coconut cream or Greek yogurt not only for texture but also to add richness and a protein boost.

Custom Toppings

The grand finale to any chia pudding is the toppings. I adore a combination of fresh berries, banana slices, hemp seeds, and coconut flakes. For those who enjoy a bit of crunch, adding homemade granola or crunchy granola contrasts wonderfully with the creamy pudding base. Occasionally, I’ll swirl in berry compote or blackberry jelly for an extra burst of flavor.

Step-by-Step Preparation

When I make First Watch Chia Pudding, I like to ensure that the consistency and flavor are just right. Here’s how I prepare it:


  • Chia seeds
  • Canned coconut milk
  • Vanilla extract
  • Maple syrup
  • Salt

First, I take a medium bowl and whisk together my canned coconut milk, a splash of vanilla extract, and a suitable amount of maple syrup. To this, I add my chia seeds and a pinch of salt for balance.

I make sure to give it a quick stir to incorporate all the ingredients properly. It’s important that there are no clumps of chia seeds in the mix since they need to be evenly distributed to gel properly.

After the initial mix, I let it sit for a few minutes and then give it another stir. This helps to prevent the seeds from settling at the bottom.

Next, I transfer the pudding mixture into a small bowl if I’m making a single serving, or an airtight container if I’m preparing multiple servings.

I cover the small bowl with plastic wrap or seal the container and place it in the refrigerator. The chia pudding mixture should sit for at least a few hours, though I prefer to leave it overnight. During this time over night, the chia seeds absorb the liquid and swell up, which results in that iconic pudding texture.

Once ready, I give it one last stir. If the consistency is too thick, I might add a splash more coconut milk to loosen it up. The pudding is at last ready to be served or topped with fruits and nuts of my choice.

Perfecting the Texture

A glass jar filled with chia seeds and almond milk, sitting on a wooden table with a spoon beside it

When I create my version of the First Watch Chia Pudding, the texture is key. Achieving that perfect, spoonable consistency requires attention to detail. Here’s how I ensure a thicker pudding texture every time:

  • Proportions: For my basic chia pudding recipe, I maintain a ratio of 1 cup of chia seeds to 1 1/2 cups of coconut milk. This ensures a thick and creamy consistency that’s not too runny or overly stiff.

  • Mixing: I mix the chia seeds and coconut milk thoroughly. At first, stir vigorously to prevent clumping. After about 5 minutes of letting the mix sit, I stir again which helps distribute the seeds evenly and avoid lumps.

  • Time: Patience pays off. Once mixed, I cover and let the pudding chill in the fridge for at least 2 hours, though leaving it overnight yields the best results. The seeds expand and absorb the liquid, transforming into that pudding-like texture we love.

To give you an idea, here’s my quick checklist for the perfect texture:

1Vigorous StirringInitial mixing
2Rest and Absorb5 minutes
3Second StirPrevent clumping
4ChillMinimum 2 hours

Remember, when I say “thick”, I mean decadently creamy, not solid. Texture is quite subjective, so feel free to adjust the proportions to suit your preference for a thicker or more fluid pudding. My way finds a balance where the pudding holds its form on a spoon, yet effortlessly melts in your mouth.

Serving and Presentation

When I serve my A.M. Superfoods Bowl, presentation is absolutely key to creating a visually appealing and appetizing breakfast option. To begin, I choose a transparent bowl or a mason jar which allows the layers and colors of the ingredients to shine through. A perfect chia pudding serves as the base layer; its creamy texture contrasts delightfully with the ingredients I add on top.

Here’s a simple way I like to layer my breakfast bowl:

  • Base: Chia pudding
  • Middle Layer: Spoonful of granola for a satisfying crunch
  • Top Layer: A vibrant array of fruits such as sliced bananas, berries, or apple pieces for natural sweetness and a pop of color

For an enhanced superfood bowl, I occasionally sprinkle a mix of nuts and seeds, which not only adds texture but also packs in extra nutrients. Here’s a small table of toppings I enjoy:

Superfood ToppingsHealth Benefit
AlmondsHeart-healthy fats
Pumpkin SeedsMagnesium and zinc
Goji BerriesAntioxidants

Garnishing with a drizzle of honey or a splash of almond milk can also elevate the flavors of a delicious breakfast option. I always make sure to serve the chia pudding chilled; it helps maintain the pudding’s firmness and enhances the refreshing taste. By taking care with the presentation, the breakfast has an inviting look that’s as enjoyable as its taste.

Storage and Meal Prep

When I meal prep my First Watch Chia Pudding, I ensure it strikes a balance between simplicity and taste. Here’s how I safely store and prepare this nutritious dish ahead of time.


  • Mix chia seeds with my preferred liquid—usually coconut milk or almond milk—and sweeteners.
  • I let the mixture sit for around 15 minutes to thicken, stirring again to prevent clumps.
  • Once prepared, I transfer my chia pudding to an airtight container or mason jar.
  • Refrigerate for at least 2 hours or overnight; I find the flavors meld wonderfully with a bit of patience.


  • For longer storage, freezing chia pudding is an option, although the texture might change slightly upon thawing.
  • If I decide to freeze, I portion the pudding into freezer-safe containers.
  • To enjoy, I thaw overnight in the fridge, ensuring it’s ready for breakfast.

Meal Prep Tips:

  • I often layer my pudding with fruits and nuts for added textures and flavors.
  • A pinch of Maldon sea salt can elevate the flavor profile without overpowering the pudding’s natural taste.
  • I avoid adding delicate fruits that might not hold up well during refrigeration or freezing.

By keeping my method straightforward, I maximize my meal prep efficiency. My chia pudding remains a go-to breakfast, providing sustained energy throughout my morning.

Diverse Variations

When I make First Watch Chia Pudding, I appreciate the versatility of the recipe which allows for various adaptations based on personal preference or dietary needs. The basic components of chia pudding include chia seeds and a liquid – usually some type of milk. From there, one can customize the recipe in numerous ways, creating delightful variations such as coconut chia pudding or chocolate chia seed pudding.

For a tropical twist, I often use light coconut milk. This not only imparts a subtle coconut flavor but also reduces the overall calorie content.

Coconut Chia Pudding

  • Milk: Use full-fat or even light coconut milk for a rich, coconutty taste.
  • Sweeteners: Maple syrup or honey adds a natural sweetness.
  • Toppings: Fresh tropical fruits like mango or pineapple enhance the flavor.

Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding

  • Cocoa Powder: Mix in unsweetened cocoa powder for that chocolatey goodness.
  • Sweeteners: A bit of maple syrup or a sugar substitute caters to those watching their sugar intake.
  • Extra Crunch: Nuts or cacao nibs offer an appealing texture contrast.

For each variation, I choose a different type of milk, considering my guests’ dietary restrictions and personal taste. Almond, soy, and rice milk are excellent vegan options, each bringing its own unique flavor profile to the pudding.

Lastly, adding extra crunch like granola, nuts, or seeds provides textural variety. It’s my way of boosting both flavors and nutrients, ensuring that each spoonful is as satisfying as it is healthy.

Health Considerations

When I prepare the First Watch Chia Pudding recipe, I’m very mindful of its health aspects. Chia seeds are highly nutritious and, when used in this dessert, they not only offer a delightful treat but also a myriad of health benefits. Just two tablespoons of chia seeds, which is the typical serving size for the pudding, pack a significant amount of fiber, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

For those trying chia pudding for the first time, it’s important to note that it can be a great option for a healthy dessert or breakfast. The basic recipe involves a simple combination of chia seeds, liquid (often milk or a milk substitute), and sweeteners or flavorings of your choice. Given the versatility of the recipe, there are different ways to tailor it to your dietary needs or preferences. For instance, using almond or coconut milk can be a wonderful dairy-free alternative.

In addressing commonly asked questions, some might wonder if chia pudding is suitable for weight management. Due to the high fiber content, it promotes fullness, which may help with portion control and prevent overeating. However, it’s essential to consume it in moderation since the calories can add up, especially when you add sweeteners and toppings.

I find that making chia pudding is quite straightforward, but ensuring a smooth texture without clumps can be a common concern. My tip here is to stir the mixture thoroughly after combining the ingredients and then once more after it has been sitting for a few minutes. This practice helps ensure a consistent pudding-like texture.

Frequently Asked Questions

In this section, I cover some of the most common inquiries about First Watch’s chia pudding recipe. You’ll find detailed answers to guide you through the process of making your own version at home, including preparation tips and health benefits.

What ingredients are needed to make chia seed pudding similar to First Watch’s version?

To replicate First Watch’s chia pudding, you’ll need chia seeds, a liquid like coconut milk or low-fat milk, and a sweetener such as maple syrup or honey. Adjust the flavor with vanilla extract or top with fresh fruit and granola for added texture.

Can you prepare chia pudding the night before, and if so, how?

Yes, chia pudding can be prepared the night before. Simply mix the chia seeds with your chosen liquid and sweetener, let the mixture sit to absorb the liquid, and refrigerate it overnight. This allows it to thicken and develop the pudding-like textureFirst Watch Chia Pudding Recipe: Wake Up to Deliciousness.

What are the nutritional benefits of eating chia seed pudding?

Chia seed pudding is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, protein, and essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, and iron. It’s a filling option that can help support healthy digestion, promote heart health, and sustain energy levels.

Is it healthy to consume chia pudding on a daily basis?

Consuming chia pudding daily can be a healthy choice as it contributes valuable nutrients to your diet. However, as with any food, moderation is key. It’s important to maintain a balanced diet that incorporates a variety of nutrient-rich foods.

How does chia pudding affect digestive health?

Chia seeds are a great source of fiber, which can help maintain regularity and promote a healthy digestive tract. The fiber in chia seeds can also assist in stabilizing blood sugar levels and promoting satiety, which might aid in weight management.

What is the recipe for a superfood bowl that resembles the A.M. Superfoods Bowl at First Watch?

A superfood bowl similar to the A.M. Superfoods Bowl at First Watch combines chia pudding with nutrient-rich toppings like fresh berries, bananas, and granola. Adding coconut flakes or a dollop of almond butter can further enhance the taste and nutritional value.

First Watch Chia Pudding copycat

Recipe by kitcheneasylifeCourse: BreakfastCuisine: AmericanDifficulty: Easy


Prep time



This recipe is a delicious and nutritious way to start your day or enjoy as a snack any time. Feel free to customize it with your favorite toppings and enjoy the wholesome goodness!


  • 1/4 cup chia seeds

  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milk (or any milk of your choice)

  • 1 tablespoon honey or maple syrup

  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

  • Fresh fruits (like berries, sliced bananas, or mango chunks) for topping

  • Nuts or seeds for extra crunch (optional)


  • In a bowl, mix together chia seeds, almond milk, honey (or maple syrup), and vanilla extract. Stir well to combine.
  • Cover the bowl and refrigerate for at least 2 hours, or preferably overnight, to allow the chia seeds to thicken the pudding.
  • Once the pudding has set, top it with your favorite fresh fruits and nuts or seeds, if desired.
  • Serve chilled.


  • Can swap out almond milk for coconut milk.

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