How Long Does Unopened Turkey Bacon Last In The Fridge?

The Shelf Life of Unopened Turkey Bacon: A Comprehensive Guide

The Bacon Dilemma

Turkey bacon – the leaner cousin of traditional pork bacon – has found a special place in our breakfast hearts. But, like any love story, it comes with its questions. One that often sizzles up is, “How long does unopened turkey bacon last in the fridge?” This isn’t just us being curious; it’s a matter of food safety! After all, you want to enjoy your bacon at its best quality, right?

So, let’s unravel this mystery together, making sure that your next brunch is both delicious and safe!

Have you ever stood at your fridge, eyeing that unopened package of turkey bacon, and wondered if it’s still good to eat? You’re not alone.

Understanding the shelf life of unopened turkey bacon is essential. It helps prevent food poisoning, waste, and that sad moment when you have to throw away bacon (and nobody wants that!).

But, this article isn’t just about dates and times. We’ll share the best ways to store unopened turkey bacon, recognize signs of good and bad bacon, and bust some common bacon myths. Plus, we’ve got an easy and delicious recipe that you can use your turkey bacon in!

Storing Your Unopened Turkey Bacon

When it comes to storing unopened turkey bacon, the fridge is your best friend.

But it’s not just about tossing it in there and forgetting about it!

The ideal fridge temperature is below 40°F (4°C). This cool environment slows down bacterial growth, a key factor in preserving the quality and safety of your unopened turkey bacon.

So, where in the fridge should you store that unopened package of turkey bacon for the best results?

Well, avoid the fridge door. It’s the warmest part of the fridge and prone to temperature fluctuations. Instead, place your unopened turkey bacon in the main compartment, preferably in the back where it’s coldest. This ensures consistent temperature, keeping the bacon in optimal condition.

Now, let’s talk about the original packaging. It’s usually designed to keep the turkey bacon fresh.

If the packaging is damaged, however, transferring the bacon to an airtight container or wrapping it tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil is a great way to extend its shelf life. This method prevents air exposure and moisture loss, two culprits that can lead to spoilage and freezer burn if you decide to store your unopened bacon in the freezer later.

Understanding Dates on the Package

Understanding the dates on your turkey bacon package is crucial. You’ll typically find a sell-by date, which is more for the grocery store than the consumer. It tells the store how long to display the product for sale.

Next is the use-by date, which is the last date recommended for using the product at its best quality. However, how long does unopened turkey bacon last in the fridge past these dates?

Good news! It can often last 7-14 days beyond the sell-by date if stored properly.

But what about the expiration date? This date indicates when the unopened turkey bacon should no longer be consumed. Past this date, the quality and safety of the bacon can be compromised.

While some types of bacon might seem fine a day or two past their expiration date, it’s best to err on the side of caution, especially with turkey bacon, which is a processed meat product and more susceptible to spoilage.

For the freshest experience, try to use your unopened turkey bacon before the use-by date. This ensures you’re enjoying the bacon at its peak quality. If you’ve stored the bacon properly in the fridge but are nearing the expiration date, consider cooking the bacon and then freezing it for later use.

Cooked bacon has a longer shelf life and can be a great way to avoid waste while still enjoying delicious turkey bacon.

Signs Your Turkey Bacon is Still Good

So, how can you tell if your unopened turkey bacon is still good? First, check the appearance. Fresh turkey bacon should have a bright color, free from any gray or greenish tints. The color of fresh meat is a great indicator of its quality. If your unopened package of bacon still looks good, you’re on the right track.

Next up, the sniff test. Fresh unopened turkey bacon should have a mild, meaty smell without any sour or unpleasant odors. A sour smell is a clear sign that the lactic acid bacteria, which cause spoilage, are present. If your unopened turkey bacon passes the smell test, you’re one step closer to bacon bliss.

Finally, feel the texture. Fresh unopened turkey bacon should be moist but not slimy. A slimy texture is a telltale sign of bacterial growth and spoilage. If your unopened turkey bacon feels good, smells right, and looks appetizing, chances are it’s still good to eat. Remember, these checks are best done just before you plan to cook the bacon, ensuring you’re using it at its freshest.

AspectUnopened Turkey BaconOpened Turkey Bacon
Shelf Life in the Fridge1-2 weeks5-7 days
Signs of SpoilageSour odor, sliminess, discolorationSame as unopened
Safe to Eat Past ‘Use By’ Date?Possibly, if stored properly and only 1-2 days pastNot recommended
Recommended StorageSealed in original packagingAirtight container or tightly wrapped
Additional TipsCheck for off odors or changes in texture/colorConsume within a week for best quality

Recognizing Spoiled Turkey Bacon

Now, let’s talk about recognizing bad turkey bacon.

The signs of spoilage in unopened turkey bacon are similar to those in other meat products. First, visual cues: if you notice any discoloration, such as a dull gray, greenish hue, or any signs of mold, it’s a clear indicator that your turkey bacon has gone bad. These changes in color are often accompanied by a slimy texture, another red flag.

The next indicator is smell. Bad turkey bacon often emits a sour or foul odor. This rotten smell is unmistakable and a sure sign that the bacon should not be eaten. The presence of such a smell indicates significant bacterial growth, which could lead to food poisoning if consumed.

Lastly, consider the texture. If your unopened turkey bacon feels slimy or tacky, it’s a sign of spoilage. This change in texture is due to bacterial growth on the surface of the meat.

Trust your senses! If the bacon feels off, it’s better to throw it out.

Common Myths to Avoid

Myth #1: Freezing Extends Shelf Life Indefinitely

Many believe that freezing an unopened package of turkey bacon can extend its shelf life indefinitely. However, while freezing does slow down bacterial growth, it doesn’t stop it entirely.

Unopened turkey bacon can be frozen for up to 6 months for best quality, but after that, the risk of freezer burn increases.

Freezer burn doesn’t make the bacon unsafe to eat, but it can affect its texture and flavor. It’s a good idea to use a heavy-duty freezer bag and remove as much air as possible before freezing for optimal quality.

Myth #2: If It Looks OK, It’s Safe to Eat

Another common misconception is that if the unopened turkey bacon looks and smells fine, it’s safe to eat, regardless of the expiration date. While unopened turkey bacon does have a longer shelf life than other meat products, relying only on appearance can be a mistake.

Bacterial growth that leads to food poisoning doesn’t always alter the look or smell of the bacon. It’s safer to follow the expiration or use-by date listed on the package.

Myth #3: Turkey Bacon Lasts Longer than Regular Bacon

People assume that turkey bacon will last longer in the fridge because it’s leaner and less processed compared to traditional pork bacon.

However, the shelf life of unopened turkey bacon is quite similar to that of regular bacon – typically around 7-14 days in the fridge. The preservation process for both types of bacon s similar, and therefore, they have comparable shelf lives when stored properly in the fridge.

Best Practices for Safe Consumption

Proper Handling Before Cooking

Always wash your hands thoroughly before and after handling raw meat.

Use separate cutting boards and utensils for raw turkey bacon and other foods to prevent the spread of bacteria.

To thaw frozen bacon, place it in the fridge for several hours or overnight, rather than leaving it out at room temperature.

Cooking to the Right Temperature

Cooking unopened turkey bacon to the right temperature is necessary to kill harmful bacteria. The best way to ensure safety is to cook the bacon until it’s crispy and reaches an internal temperature of 165°F.

Use a meat thermometer to check this. Whether you’re cooking it in a skillet over medium heat, an air fryer, or a microwave oven, make sure it’s cooked evenly on all sides.

Avoiding Cross-Contamination Post-Cooking

Once your unopened turkey bacon is cooked, continue to practice good food safety.

Don’t place the cooked bacon back on the same plate where the raw bacon was.

If there’s leftover bacon, store it in an airtight container or wrap it in foil or plastic wrap and refrigerate.

Cooked turkey bacon should be consumed within 4 to 5 days for best results.

Tips for Using Up Turkey Bacon Timely

Creative Cooking Ideas One great way to ensure you use your unopened turkey bacon before it spoils is to get creative in the kitchen! Turkey bacon can be added to a variety of dishes.

Wrap it around asparagus for a delicious side dish!

Chop it into bits for salads or baked potatoes!

Add it to your favorite pasta dish for extra flavor!

Turkey bacon adds a smoky flavor to soups and stews as well!

Meal Prepping with Turkey Bacon Meal prepping is another effective strategy for using up unopened turkey bacon. Cook a batch of turkey bacon at the beginning of the week and use it in different meals.

Incorporate it into breakfast burritos, sandwiches for lunch, or as a protein boost in your dinner salads.

Storing the cooked bacon in an airtight container in the fridge makes it easy to grab and go throughout the week.

Proper Storage of Cooked Bacon For the best quality and safety, it’s important to store leftover turkey bacon correctly.

After cooking, let the bacon cool to room temperature. Then, place it in an airtight container or wrap it in lastic wrap or aluminum foil.

Store it in the fridge and try to use it within 4 to 5 days. If you find you won’t use it in time, cooked turkey bacon can be frozen in a sealed container or zip-top bag for up to one month.


How Long Does an Unopened Package of Bacon Last in the Fridge?

Answer: Generally, an unopened package of turkey bacon can last about 1-2 weeks in the fridge. This duration can vary based on factors like the fridge’s temperature and the bacon’s sell-by date. Always check the packaging for specific storage guidelines.

How Long is Turkey Bacon Good in the Fridge?

Answer: Once opened, turkey bacon should be consumed within 7 days. It’s important to store it properly in an airtight container or wrapped tightly in foil or plastic wrap to maintain its quality.

Can You Eat Bacon Past the Use by Date if Unopened?

Answer: Exercising caution is key here. If the bacon is only a day or two past the use-by date and has been stored properly in the fridge, it might still be safe. However, if there’s any sign of spoilage or an off odor, it’s best to discard it.

How Can You Tell if Unopened Bacon is Still Good?

Answer: Check for any changes in color, texture, or smell. Fresh turkey bacon should have a natural color, moist texture, and a mild, meaty smell. Any sour odor, sliminess, or discoloration is a sign that the bacon has gone bad.

You’ll definitely want to try this turkey bacon and egg wrap with your delicious cooked turkey bacon! You’re whole family will love it! Trust me! They’ll be asking for seconds!

This recipe has made it into our normal breakfast rotation. I feel good about serving it to my family, too! Share how it turned out for you in the comments!

Turkey Bacon and Avocado Breakfast Burrito

Course: LunchCuisine: AmericanDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time



This breakfast combines the smoky flavor of turkey bacon with creamy avocado, fluffy scrambled eggs, and melty cheese, all wrapped in a warm tortilla. It’s a delicious, satisfying meal that’s perfect for a busy morning or a leisurely weekend brunch.


  • 4 slices of turkey bacon

  • 2 large eggs

  • Salt and pepper, to taste

  • 1 tablespoon of milk (optional, for fluffier eggs)

  • 1 large flour tortilla

  • 1/2 ripe avocado, sliced

  • 1/4 cup shredded cheddar or Mexican blend cheese

  • 2 tablespoons of salsa (your choice of mild, medium, or hot)

  • Optional additions: diced tomatoes, sliced green onions, or a dollop of sour cream


  • Cook the Turkey Bacon:
  • In a non-stick skillet, cook the turkey bacon over medium heat until it’s crispy. This usually takes about 4 to 5 minutes per side. Once cooked, transfer the bacon to a paper towel-lined plate to drain any excess grease.
  • Scramble the Eggs:
  • In a bowl, whisk together the eggs, milk (if using), salt, and pepper.
  • In the same skillet used for the bacon (for added flavor), pour in the egg mixture. Cook on low heat, stirring occasionally, until the eggs are just set. Be careful not to overcook.
  • Assemble the Burrito:
  • Warm the tortilla in the microwave for about 15 seconds to make it more pliable.
  • Lay the tortilla flat on a plate. In the center of the tortilla, layer the scrambled eggs, cooked turkey bacon, avocado slices, and shredded cheese.
  • Top with salsa, and add any additional toppings you like.
  • Wrap It Up:
  • Fold in the sides of the tortilla, then roll it up from the bottom to encase all the fillings.
  • If desired, you can put the burrito back in the skillet for a minute or two on each side to crisp up the tortilla.
  • Serve:
  • Slice the burrito in half diagonally and serve hot. Enjoy with extra salsa or a dollop of sour cream on the side for added flavor.

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