KFC Nashville Hot Chicken Recipe How To Make at Home

When I first encountered KFC’s Nashville Hot Chicken, I was intrigued by its blend of spicy heat and signature crunch. This dish has become a favorite among those who enjoy a fiery twist on classic fried chicken. The key to this mouth-watering recipe lies in its unique blend of seasonings and the fiery, oil-based coating that encapsulates the crispy chicken tenders.

A sizzling hot chicken sandwich with pickles and a side of coleslaw on a red and white checkered paper tray

My investigation into replicating this dish at home led me to understand the importance of achieving the right balance of heat and flavor. A mixture of cayenne pepper, paprika, and garlic powder, along with a hint of sweetness, creates that distinct Nashville Hot profile. To emulate the iconic KFC version, getting the cooking method just right is crucial; the chicken must be fried to golden perfection before being tossed in the spicy sauce.

In my experience, serving the Nashville Hot Chicken as KFC does, with pickles and fluffy biscuits, completes the indulgent experience. This dish is a testament to the allure of Southern cooking, offering a taste that’s as memorable as it is delicious. Whether enjoyed at a KFC restaurant or made in my own kitchen, this recipe promises a bold and satisfying meal.

History and Significance

As a food enthusiast, I’m always captivated by the tales behind culinary creations. Nashville Hot Chicken is no exception. This fiery favorite began its journey in the 1930s with Thornton Prince, the original hot chicken virtuoso. His creation was born from a tale of revenge turned culinary revelation. Today, Prince’s Hot Chicken Shack stands as the beacon of this spicy Southern tradition, drawing food lovers from across the United States to experience its heat.

The bold flavors of Nashville Hot Chicken characterize it as a Southern favorite, intertwining local culture with a punch of piquant heat. I’ve noticed restaurants like Hattie B’s have brought the essence of Nashville’s traditional fiery fowl to broader audiences, while maintaining respect for the dish’s roots.

My Key Takeaways on Nashville Hot Chicken:

  • Deep Roots: Originated in the 1930s in Nashville, Tennessee.
  • Pioneer Establishment: Prince’s Hot Chicken Shack is the original home of hot chicken.
  • Spreading Influence: Eateries like Hattie B’s Hot Chicken create wider appeal while honoring the dish.
  • Cultural Integration: A staple that reflects the bold and zestful spirit of Southern cuisine.

My exploration into the recipe reveals that it’s more than just about the level of spice; it’s about a storied formula that’s been carefully refined. When KFC introduced their take on the Nashville Hot Chicken, they gave it a unique twist, balancing smokiness with heat to tantalize palates nationwide. While it’s a contemporary variant, KFC’s recipe acknowledges the traditional Nashville roots of its inspiration. This has introduced the dish to a broader, perhaps international, audience, contributing to the cultural tapestry of culinary innovation within the United States.

The Secret to the Perfect Spice Blend

A table covered in various spices and herbs, with a mixing bowl and spoon ready to create the perfect spice blend for KFC Nashville hot chicken recipe

Crafting the perfect spice blend for Nashville Hot Chicken involves a delicate balance of flavors and heat. I focus on getting the proportions right to achieve that signature taste of the dish.

Combining Spices

When I create the spice blend for Nashville Hot Chicken, my foundation consists of brown sugar, garlic powder, black pepper, chili powder, and onion powder. These ingredients form the complex flavor base. Brown sugar adds a hint of sweetness that counteracts the heat, while garlic and onion powder contribute a savory depth. The chili powder, which is a blend of various ground chilis and other spices, introduces warm notes and color.

Brown SugarBalances heat with its sweetness.
Garlic PowderAdds savory depth.
Black PepperProvides a sharp, earthy kick.
Chili PowderContributes warm notes and a vivid hue.
Onion PowderEnhances the savory flavor profile.

Adjusting Heat Level

The heat level of the Nashville Hot Chicken spice blend is controlled by the amount of cayenne pepper. Adjusting the spice level is a personal choice, and I recommend starting with a moderate amount and tweaking from there based on preference. For those who love a fiery kick, increase the cayenne pepper in incrementals. Being cautious is key – it’s easy to add more, but impossible to take away once it’s mixed in.

Spice LevelAmount of Cayenne Pepper
MildStart with a small pinch and adjust up if necessary.
MediumA good starting point might be half a teaspoon.
HotUse one teaspoon or more, to taste.

Remember, the secret is finding the right balance for your palate. It’s not merely about the heat; it’s about how the spices interact to create a harmonious flavor.

Choosing Your Chicken

A sizzling hot chicken breast coated in spicy Nashville seasoning, surrounded by a variety of fresh ingredients and condiments on a serving platter

The foundation of an exceptional Nashville Hot Chicken begins with selecting an optimal cut and adequately preparing it for that gloriously crunchy coating.

Selecting the Right Cut

In my experience, the best cuts for KFC Nashville Hot Chicken are typically chicken breasts or thighs. Here’s why:

  • Chicken Breast: Offers a generous amount of meat and a classic choice for a satisfying meal. When I use them, I ensure they are boneless and skinless, which provides an even surface for the spicy coating to adhere to.
  • Chicken Thighs: These are my go-to for a juicier option. Their rich flavor and tenderness make them a formidable contender for crunchier, more succulent bites.

Preparing Chicken for Coating

Once I have my chicken pieces selected, there’s a specific way I like to prepare them to ensure maximum adhesion of the Original Recipe coating:

Pat the chicken dry: I always start by pat-drying each chicken piece with paper towels. Moisture is the enemy of a crisp coat, so this step is crucial.

Season and marinade (optional): Depending on the desired flavor intensity, I sometimes marinate the chicken in a spice blend to infuse it with heat before coating.

Coat chicken evenly: When it’s time to apply the breading, I dredge the chicken in flour, dip it into a beaten egg mixture, and then press it firmly into seasoned flour again. The key here is even coverage — I take my time ensuring every nook and cranny is coated.

By strictly following these steps, I set the stage for chicken pieces that, once fried, will showcase an impeccable balance of crunch and kick synonymous with Nashville’s iconic dish.

Marinade Mastery

The secret to exceptional Nashville Hot Chicken begins with a well-crafted marinade. I’ll guide you through creating a buttermilk mixture that ensures tender and flavorful chicken.

Creating Buttermilk Mixture

I start with a large bowl, large enough to submerge all of my chicken pieces. Pouring in the buttermilk, I make sure it’s enough to act as the base of my marinade. Buttermilk is key because its acidity tenderizes the chicken and keeps it moist. Now, I incorporate a twist—I add pickle brine, which injects an extra layer of subtle tang and flavor into the meat. Here’s how I combine the ingredients:

  • Buttermilk: 2 cups
  • Pickle Brine: 1/2 cup

I whisk them together gently until they’re thoroughly combined. Now, my buttermilk base is ready to embrace the chicken with flavor.

Marinating Tips

To marinate the chicken properly, I lay the chicken pieces in the buttermilk mixture and ensure they are fully submerged. I’ve learned that for the best results, marination should last for at least 3 hours—overnight is even better if I plan ahead. This is the patience-testing part, but it’s crucial.

When selecting my buttermilk from the grocery store, I opt for full-fat versions for richer flavor. Also, the marinade is most effective when the chicken is at a consistent temperature, so I always bring my chicken to room temperature before it goes in the marinade. Lastly, I cover my bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate it, which keeps everything safe and sound while the marinade works its magic.

Flour Mixture and Coating

A bowl of seasoned flour mix next to a plate of raw chicken pieces ready for coating

Creating the perfect KFC Nashville hot chicken begins with a meticulously crafted flour mixture, which is the foundation for the signature crispy coating. Next, a disciplined approach to coating the chicken ensures a consistent and delectable crunch in every bite.

Breading Mixtures

For the Flour Mixture:

  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 tablespoon brown sugar
  • Spices: A blend of paprika, garlic powder, and cayenne pepper (amounts per preference)

In my experience, combining these ingredients in an airtight container not only streamlines preparation, but also maintains the freshness and potency of the spices. I typically give the container a good shake to ensure the ingredients are thoroughly mixed before using the mixture for coating.

Coating Chicken Properly

To guarantee a Crispy Coating, follow these steps:

  1. Dip each chicken piece into buttermilk, allowing excess to drip off.
  2. Dredge the chicken in the prepared flour mixture, shaking off any excess flour.
  3. For extra crispiness, I repeat the buttermilk and flour coating steps once more.
  4. Let the coated chicken rest for about 10 minutes before frying.

When breading the Chicken, make sure each piece is fully covered with the flour mixture. The resting step is crucial—it helps the breading adhere to the chicken, minimizing loss of coating when it hits the hot oil.

Cooking Techniques

To master the KFC Nashville Hot Chicken recipe, it’s essential to focus on the correct cooking techniques. Precision in preparation and specific methods ensure the desired result – a perfectly spicy and crispy exterior with a juicy interior.

Deep Frying Skills

When using a deep fryer, I always make sure that the temperature of the oil is exactly right, around 350 degrees F. Temperature control is vital to achieve that golden, crispy texture without overcooking the delicate chicken inside. To begin the deep-frying process, I heat the oil to the desired temperature, then carefully lower the breaded spicy fried chicken pieces into the fryer. They need to cook through while maintaining a moist interior, which takes about 6-8 minutes depending on the size of the pieces. Once they’re done, I transfer the chicken onto paper towels to drain any excess oil.

Air Frying Methods

For those who prefer less oil, the air fryer is my go-to. In air frying, the key is to spray the chicken with a light coat of oil to encourage a crispy exterior. By setting my air fryer to around 375 degrees F, I can cook the chicken in a healthier way without sacrificing that satisfying crunch. Cooking times vary based on the air fryer’s model and the size of the chicken pieces, but generally, it takes about 20-25 minutes. I flip the chicken halfway through to ensure an even cook. Lining the tray with paper towels can assist in absorbing any excess oil left after air frying.

Creating Nashville Hot Sauce and Finishing Touches

In crafting the Nashville hot sauce, the key to success is balancing the heat with the other flavorful components. My final assembly ensures each piece of chicken is admirably coated with the spicy, buttery sauce.

Hot Sauce Mixture

I start by preparing the spicy oil foundation. For the Nashville Hot Sauce, I heat the base oil gently and then incorporate a blend of seasonings to achieve that signature kick. Here’s the detailed breakdown:

  • Clarified butter: A stable base that withstands low heat without burning.
  • Seasoning mix: A precise quantity of cayenne pepper for heat, balanced with brown sugar, salt, smoked paprika, and garlic powder for depth. Measurements are adjusted to taste.

To assemble the spicy sauce, the seasonings are whisked into the melted butter until fully integrated, forming the distinctively fiery, yet flavorful foundation.

Final Assembly

Once my good chicken is fried to golden perfection and reaches an internal temperature of at least 165°F, as suggested by Ask Chef Dennis, I proceed to the final assembly:

  1. Lay out the fried chicken on a wire rack.
  2. Liberally brush each piece with the spicy oil. This ensures even coating, transforming the chicken into the KFC’s version of Nashville Hot Chicken.
  3. Allow to rest, so the sauce soaks into the breading.

Instead of a traditional dipping sauce, this chicken boasts its own built-in zest from the rich and fiery Nashville Hot Sauce, and there’s no need for any additional condiments to enjoy its full flavor.

Serving Suggestions

When I prepare Nashville hot chicken, there are specific ways I like to serve it that enhance its flavor and presentation. The right accompaniments can complement the heat and add balance to the meal, while thoughtful presentation elevates the dining experience.


  • White Bread: A classic base for any Nashville hot chicken dish is a slice of plain white bread. It absorbs the spicy oils and helps mitigate some of the heat.
  • Pickles: Thinly sliced pickles offer a tangy crunch that contrasts the chicken’s spice.
  • French Fries or Potato Salad: For a heartier side, I often choose French fries for their crisp texture or a creamy potato salad to cool down the palate.

Presentation Tips

  • Hot Chicken Tenders: I lay the hot tenders over the white bread with a generous drizzle of spicy oil and garnish them with pickles on the side.
  • Hot Chicken Sandwich: If I’m crafting a sandwich, I place a juicy chicken breast between buns, topping it with coleslaw and pickles.
  • Color and Texture: I aim for a vibrant plate—adding a sprinkle of paprika or parsley to the potato salad can make the colors pop.

Frequently Asked Questions

In tackling the iconic Nashville Hot Chicken recipe, you might have a few questions about how to capture that signature fiery flavor at home, especially now that KFC’s Nashville Hot tenders have been discontinued. From making the perfect sauce to understanding the key ingredients, I’ve compiled the common queries to guide you through the process.

How can I make the sauce for Nashville Hot Chicken at home?

To recreate the Nashville Hot Chicken sauce at home, you’ll combine cayenne pepper, brown sugar, paprika, garlic powder, and other spices with a base of oil and possibly a touch of butter for richness. Whisk these together until smooth, ensuring the sauce is fiery and well-balanced.

What are the key ingredients in the Nashville Hot sauce?

The Nashville Hot sauce’s pivotal ingredients are cayenne pepper for heat, brown sugar for a touch of sweetness, and both paprika and garlic powder for depth of flavor. These components, mixed with oil, create the sauce’s distinctive taste and spicy profile.

Why is the Nashville Chicken recipe known for its heat?

Nashville Chicken stands out for its heat due to the liberal use of cayenne pepper in its sauce. The direct application of the hot sauce to the freshly fried chicken intensifies the heat, which is a beloved characteristic of the Nashville culinary scene.

Is there a difference in flavor between Nashville and Buffalo sauces?

Absolutely, there is a distinct difference: Nashville sauce is known for a sweeter, smokier flavor with a more intense heat, primarily from cayenne pepper, while Buffalo sauce typically combines a tangy vinegar base with cayenne pepper and is milder and butterier.

What are some alternatives to the discontinued KFC Nashville Hot tenders?

Since KFC Nashville Hot tenders are no longer available, you can seek out alternatives like making your own Nashville Hot Chicken at home or visiting local eateries that offer Nashville-inspired dishes. Some fast-food chains may also have similar spicy offerings.

How has the KFC Nashville Hot Chicken recipe become popular on TikTok?

TikTok has been instrumental in the Nashville Hot Chicken’s explosion in popularity, with users sharing their own copycat recipes, hacks and creative takes on the dish, contributing to its viral status and encouraging fans to try making it themselves.

KFC Nashville Hot Chicken Copycat

Recipe by kitcheneasylifeCourse: LunchCuisine: SouthernDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time




  • 8 chicken pieces (drumsticks, thighs, breasts, or a mix)

  • 1 cup buttermilk

  • 1 cup all-purpose flour

  • 1 tablespoon paprika

  • 1 tablespoon cayenne pepper

  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder

  • 1 teaspoon onion powder

  • 1 teaspoon salt

  • 1 teaspoon black pepper

  • 1/2 teaspoon brown sugar

  • Vegetable oil, for frying

  • For the spicy coating:

  • 1/2 cup hot sauce

  • 2 tablespoons cayenne pepper

  • 1 tablespoon dark brown sugar

  • 1/2 teaspoon paprika

  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder

  • 1/2 teaspoon onion powder

  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper


  • In a bowl, mix the buttermilk with 1 tablespoon of the cayenne pepper. Add the chicken pieces and let them marinate for at least 1 hour, or preferably overnight in the refrigerator.
  • In a separate bowl, combine the flour, paprika, remaining cayenne pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, salt, black pepper, and sugar.
  • Heat the vegetable oil in a large skillet or deep fryer to 350°F.
  • Remove the chicken from the buttermilk and dredge each piece in the seasoned flour mixture, making sure to coat the chicken evenly.
  • Fry the chicken in batches, turning occasionally, until golden brown and cooked through, about 15-20 minutes for dark meat and 10-15 minutes for white meat. Drain on a wire rack or paper towels.
  • In a small saucepan, combine the hot sauce, cayenne pepper, brown sugar, paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, salt, and black pepper. Heat over low heat until the sugar has dissolved.
  • Brush the spicy coating over the fried chicken pieces or dip them into the sauce for an extra kick.

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