Nigerian Breakfast Ideas And A Common Recipe To Try

Awakening the Senses with Nigerian Flavors

Good morning! Are you looking for recipes that will tantalize your taste buds and spice up your early morning meal routine? Nigerian breakfast dishes could be just what you’re looking for! Unlike cereal or toast for breakfast, which are typical in western regions, common Nigerian breakfasts are hearty, diverse, and deeply rooted in cultural practices, making them an essential part of daily life in Nigerian homes. Join us today as we explore Nigerian breakfast ideas that you can try at home.

The Nigerian Breakfast Palette

The selection of common Nigerian breakfast foods is nothing short of spectacular. From Jollof rice, a staple breakfast dish in many Nigerian homes, to Akara (bean fritters) and Yam Porridge, these dishes truly display Nigeria’s diversity when it comes to food.

Breakfast ItemMain IngredientsPreparation Style
AkaraBlack-eyed peas, onions, oilDeep-fried
Ogi (Pap)Corn, millet, or sorghumFermented and served as pudding
Moi MoiBlack-eyed peas, peppersSteamed
Yam and Egg SauceYams, eggs, tomatoesBoiled/fried yams with sauce
Plantain PorridgePlantains, vegetablesCooked with spices
Beans PorridgeBeans, spicesSlow-cooked
Jollof RiceRice, tomatoes, spicesSimmered in a tomato sauce
Ewa AgoyinBeans, chili pepper sauceMashed beans with spicy sauce
Agege BreadFlour, sugar, butterBaked
NkwobiCow foot, spicesCooked and spiced

Each region adds its unique twist to these Nigerian breakfast recipes, using locally available ingredients. For example, in Northern Nigeria, millet or corn meal custard might be more prevalent, while in the Yoruba regions, Agege bread and Ewa Agoyin are household names.

Nigerian flavors are full of complexity. The key to making great Nigerian dishes lies in the balance of spices and how they meld with the main ingredients. Whether its plantain recipes, special stew, or jollof spaghetti, there’s something for every mood and time of the day.

Exploring Characteristics of Nigerian Food

In Nigerian food, heat is not just about the spiciness; it’s about awakening the flavors. For instance, the fiery heat in Ewa Agoyin beautifully complements the soft texture of boiled beans, while the sweetness of fried plantain balances the savory notes in Moi Moi (also known as moin moin).

Fresh ingredients are key to Nigerian cooking. For example, the freshness of tomatoes in Nigerian egg stew dramatically impacts the dish’s overall flavor.

And when it comes to personalizing these Nigerian breakfast recipes, remember, your palate is your guide! Adjust the spice levels to suit your taste, and don’t be afraid to experiment with different ingredients to make these Nigerian breakfast ideas your own.

Nigerian Breakfast Ideas: Flavors and Ingredients

Jollof Rice

Jollof Rice is common on Nigerian breakfast tables.

To achieve the perfect Jollof Rice, start with the right type of rice. Long grain pre-boiled rice is preferred because it holds its shape and absorbs flavors well.

After rinsing the rice, the next step is to prepare a rich tomato sauce as the base. This sauce, typically a blend of tomatoes, onions, and bell peppers, should be well-cooked until the olive oil begins to separate. This ensures that the raw taste of tomatoes is completely gone. It also helps to develop a deep, complex flavor profile, which is the hallmark of great Jollof Rice.

Next, layers of herbs and spices like thyme, curry powder, bay leaves, nutmeg and smoked paprika, can add depth. The rice should be cooked in this mixture of sauce and spices, along with chicken or vegetable broth for additional flavor.

The final step is to allow the rice to steam on low heat, which lets the flavors meld together beautifully. Don’t rush the cooking process! That can lead to unevenly cooked rice and undeveloped flavors.


Akara is a beloved staple food in Nigerian breakfast recipes. It’s the perfect balance of crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.

You begin with black-eyed peas, soaked overnight. The skins are then removed, which is crucial for achieving a smooth batter.

The beans are blended with onions, a bit of scotch bonnet pepper for heat, and salt to taste. This mixture should be whipped until airy and light, which gives Akara its signature fluffy texture.

When frying Akara, the oil must be at the right temperature – typically around 350°F (175°C). Testing the oil with a small amount of batter can ensure it’s ready.

Drop spoonfuls of the batter into the oil, but be careful not to overcrowd the pan, as this reduces the oil’s temperature and can lead to soggy Akara. Yuck!

Each bean cake should be turned occasionally for even browning. Once they’re golden brown and crispy, remove them from the oil and drain on kitchen towels.

Serving Akara with a side of warm Agege bread or a hot beverage can make for a delightful Nigerian breakfast experience.


In Nigerian cooking, yam recipes are common. Yam Porridge, or Asaro, is a comfort food. It’s also a nutritious option when looking for Nigerian breakfast ideas. The type of yam used is crucial; Nigerian Yam Tuber, known for its starchy and smooth texture, is perfect for this dish. It may be harder to find in most grocery stores, so any yam will do.

Peel and cut the yam or sweet potatoes into medium-sized cubes. Then, partially boil them in water with a bit of salt, but just enough to not fully cook the yam. Don’t skip this step!

For the porridge, the partially cooked yam is simmered in a blend of tomatoes, onions, red bell pepper, and a mix of llocal spicy ingredients like crayfish powder and a hint of nutmeg. This mixture should be rich and flavorful, as it forms the base of the dish.

The key to a perfect African Yam Porridge lies in the cooking time – it should be simmered until the yams are tender and have absorbed the flavors of the sauce, creating a creamy, cohesive dish. Adding a bit of palm oil towards the end of cooking gives the porridge a distinctive color and taste, typical of many Nigerian dishes.

Guide to Selecting the Best Quality Ingredients For Your Nigerian Breakfast Ideas

The foundation of any great Nigerian breakfast meal lies in the quality of its main ingredients – rice, beans, and yams. When selecting grains and legumes, look for freshness and absence of pests. Freshness in yams is key; they should be firm and free of blemishes. Store these staples in a cool, dry place to preserve their quality.

Spices and seasonings are the soul of Nigerian breakfast dishes. Fresh, quality spices have a more potent aroma and will significantly enhance your dishes. Store your spices in airtight containers away from direct sunlight to maintain their potency.

For the freshest vegetables and meats, sourcing locally can make a significant difference. Also, choosing organic is always recommended for taste and freshness.

Embracing the Warmth of Nigerian Mornings

These dishes are not just nourishing for the body; they’re a celebration of Nigerian culture and tradition, making breakfast the most important meal of the day in every Nigerian household.

I invite you all to bring a piece of Nigeria into your kitchens. Try these Nigerian breakfast options, experiment with the spices and flavors, and most importantly, share these meals with your loved ones.


Frequently Asked Questions about Nigerian Breakfast Ideas

What is a Typical Nigerian Breakfast?

A typical Nigerian breakfast is a vibrant affair, brimming with flavor and energy. It often includes a combination of staple foods such as yams, plantains, or cassava, served with a variety of sides like spicy stews, vegetables, and sometimes, proteins like fish or meat. The breakfast is hearty, designed to fuel a day of activities.

What Do Yoruba Eat for Breakfast?

Yoruba, one of Nigeria’s largest ethnic groups, enjoy a breakfast that reflects their rich culinary heritage. Popular choices include:

  • Akara: These are deep-fried bean cakes, crispy on the outside and fluffy inside.
  • Ogi (Pap): A smooth, fermented cereal pudding often served with Akara.
  • Agege Bread: A dense, sweet bread, typically enjoyed with spreads or as a side.

What are 3 Traditional Breakfast Dishes?

  1. Moi Moi: A steamed bean pudding, often enriched with fish, eggs, or corned beef.
  2. Yam and Egg Sauce: Boiled or fried yam slices served with a spicy tomato and egg sauce.
  3. Plantain Porridge: A savory-sweet dish made with ripe plantains, vegetables, and sometimes, meat or fish.

What are 10 Good Breakfast Foods?

  1. Beans Porridge
  2. Akamu (Pap)
  3. Fried Plantains
  4. Noodles with Vegetables
  5. Jollof Rice (Yes, for breakfast!)
  6. Ewa Agoyin (Mashed beans and spicy sauce)
  7. Agege Bread with Peanut Butter
  8. Fried or Boiled Eggs
  9. Fruit Salad
  10. Nkwobi (A spicy cow foot dish)

What Do Most Nigerians Eat for Breakfast?

Most Nigerians favor a breakfast that is both filling and nutritious, often incorporating carbohydrates and proteins. Popular choices include:

  • Akamu and Akara
  • Bread and Tea: A simple yet satisfying choice.
  • Noodles: Quick, easy, and versatile.
  • Yam and Egg Sauce: A classic, beloved combination.

Below we have a recipe for an awesome breakfast dish that you can cook at home. Share in the comments how it turns out when you make it! And, be sure to share this recipe with other adventurous home cooks out there looking for flavorful and uniques dishes to try!

Authentic Nigerian Breakfast
Akara (Nigerian Bean Cakes)

Course: Breakfast


Prep time


Cooking time






  • 2 cups black-eyed peas

  • 1 small onion, chopped

  • 1-2 Scotch bonnet peppers, deseeded (adjust to taste)

  • Salt to taste

  • Water, as needed for blending

  • Vegetable oil, for frying


  • Prep the Beans: Soak the black-eyed peas in water overnight. The next day, rub the beans between your hands to remove the skins. Rinse several times until all the skins are removed and the beans are clean.
  • Blend the Mixture: In a blender, combine the skinned beans, chopped onion, and Scotch bonnet peppers. Add a little water to facilitate blending. Blend into a smooth, thick paste.
  • Whip the Batter: Transfer the mixture to a bowl. Add salt to taste. Whip the batter with a fork or whisk for about 5 minutes to incorporate air into it. This makes the Akara fluffy.
  • Fry the Akara: Heat a generous amount of vegetable oil in a deep frying pan. Once hot, scoop the batter by tablespoonfuls and drop into the oil. Fry until golden brown on all sides. Remove and drain on paper towels.

Additional Nigerian breakfast IDEAS AND recipes

Agege Bread

Note: Agege bread is a popular Nigerian bread, known for its soft and chewy texture. It’s usually purchased from local bakeries, but here’s a simplified homemade version.


  • 4 cups bread flour
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2 tsp instant yeast
  • 1 ¼ cups warm water
  • 2 tbsp butter, softened


  1. Prepare the Dough: In a large bowl, mix together the bread flour, sugar, salt, and instant yeast. Gradually add warm water and mix to form a dough. Knead in the softened butter.
  2. Knead and Rise: Turn the dough onto a floured surface and knead for about 10 minutes until smooth and elastic. Place in a greased bowl, cover with a cloth, and let it rise in a warm place until doubled in size, about 1 hour.
  3. Shape and Second Rise: Punch down the dough and shape it into a loaf. Place it in a greased loaf pan. Cover and let it rise again until doubled, about 30 minutes.
  4. Bake the Bread: Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C). Bake the bread for about 25-30 minutes, or until it sounds hollow when tapped on the bottom. Remove from the pan and let it cool on a wire rack.

Pap (Corn Meal Custard)

Pap, also known as Ogi or Akamu, is a smooth, fermented cereal pudding made from maize, sorghum, or millet.


  • 1 cup corn flour (fine, not the coarse type used for cornbread)
  • Water (for mixing and cooking)
  • Sugar or honey to taste
  • Milk (optional)


  1. Make a Smooth Paste: In a bowl, mix corn flour with cold water to make a smooth paste. Ensure there are no lumps.
  2. Boil Water: In a pot, bring a good amount of water to a boil.
  3. Cook the Pap: Reduce the heat to low and gradually add the corn flour paste to the boiling water, stirring continuously to prevent lumps. Keep stirring until the pap thickens to your desired consistency. This usually takes about 5-10 minutes.
  4. Serve: Serve the pap warm with sugar, honey, and/or milk to taste.

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