How Long Does Celery Juice Last? Does It Go Bad?

The Green Elixir: How Long Can You Store Fresh Celery Juice in the Fridge?

Celery juice has gained immense popularity in recent years for its potential health benefits, including improved digestion, reduced inflammation, and enhanced hydration. Whether you’re a seasoned celery juice enthusiast or just getting started, one question often arises: how long can you store fresh celery juice in the fridge before it goes bad? In this blog post, we’ll explore the shelf life of this healthy drink and share some tips on maximizing its freshness. Scroll down to the bottom for tasty variations that you’ll want to try!

Drinking homemade celery juice has gained popularity in recent years due to its potential health benefits. While more research is needed to fully understand the extent of these benefits, a lot of people claim to experience positive effects from incorporating celery juice into their daily routine.

Here are some of the potential benefits of celery juice that may help rid the body of chronic illness and improve the immune system:

Hydration: Celery juice is primarily composed of water, making it an excellent natural hydrator. Staying well-hydrated is essential for overall health and can help support various bodily functions.

Nutrient-Rich: Organic celery is a good source of essential nutrients, including vitamin C and vitamin K, potassium, folate, and dietary fiber. Drinking celery juice is a great way to contribute to your daily nutrient intake.

Antioxidant Properties: Celery contains antioxidants, which are compounds that can help counteract the harmful effects of free radicals in the body, such as flavonoids and polyphenols, which may help combat oxidative stress and reduce inflammation in the body. 

Digestive Health: Some people find that celery juice can help improve digestion. It may stimulate the production of digestive enzymes, support a healthy gut microbiome, and alleviate symptoms like bloating and constipation.

Alkalizing Effects: Proponents of celery juice claim that it has alkalizing properties, which can help balance the body’s pH levels. However, it’s important to note that the body’s pH is tightly regulated, and the impact of food or beverages on this balance is limited.

Potential Anti-Inflammatory Effects: Celery contains compounds like apigenin and luteolin, which are believed to have anti-inflammatory properties. Reducing chronic inflammation is associated with various health benefits.

Skin Health: Some individuals report improvements in their skin’s appearance and clarity after incorporating celery juice into their diet. This may be due to its hydration and antioxidant properties.

Weight Management: Celery juice is low in calories and can be a healthy addition to a weight management plan. Its fiber content may also help promote feelings of fullness.

Alleviating High Blood Pressure: Celery contains phthalides, compounds that may help relax blood vessels and potentially lower blood pressure. However, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional for hypertension management.

Detoxification: Some proponents of celery juice claim it has detoxifying effects, helping to eliminate toxins from the body. However, the body’s natural detoxification processes primarily rely on the liver and kidneys.

It’s important to note that while many people have reported positive experiences with celery juice, scientific studies on its specific health benefits are limited. Results can vary from person to person, and the effects of celery juice may be influenced by other aspects of one’s diet and lifestyle.

If you decide to incorporate celery juice into your daily routine, it’s essential to do so as part of a balanced diet and not as a sole source of nutrition. As with any dietary changes, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or concerns.

The Shelf Life of Fresh Celery Juice:

Freshly juiced celery is packed with nutrients, but like all fresh juices, it can deteriorate over time. The shelf life of celery juice largely depends on how you store it. Here are some general guidelines:

Refrigeration: When stored properly in an airtight container or covered in plastic wrap in the refrigerator, fresh celery juice can remain good for about 24 to 48 hours. After this period, it may start to lose its vibrant color, flavor, and nutritional value.

Freezing: If you want to extend the shelf life of celery juice, consider freezing it in ice cube trays. This method allows you to keep the juice for up to three months without significant nutrient loss. Simply pop a few celery juice cubes into your next smoothie!

Storage MethodShelf LifeAdditional Notes
Freshly Juiced0-24 hoursBest consumed immediately for maximum nutrients.
Refrigerated (airtight)24-72 hoursStore in an airtight container to retain freshness.
FreezingUp to 1 monthThaw in refrigerator before consuming.
Vacuum Sealed72-96 hoursVacuum sealing can extend shelf life slightly.

Tips for Extending Celery Juice’s Freshness:

To get the most out of your celery juice, here are some tips for preserving its freshness:

Use fresh celery: Start with high-quality, fresh celery stalks. The fresher the ingredients, the longer the juice will last. Some people include celery leaves, but most people don’t as they tend to have a bitter taste.

Store in an airtight container: Use an airtight glass or plastic container to store your homemade juice. This prevents oxidation, which can cause the juice to degrade faster.

Keep it cold: Always store celery juice in the refrigerator at temperatures between 34°F and 40°F (1°C – 4°C). This helps slow down bacterial growth. It is not advisable to keep it at room temperature.

Limit air exposure: If you have a container with a tight-fitting lid, try to fill it as much as possible to minimize the amount of air inside the container.

Consider freezing: If you know you won’t consume the juice within 48 hours, freeze it in an ice cube tray for later use.

Photo Credit: Alex Lvrs

Signs of Spoilage:

It’s important to recognize the signs that your celery juice has gone bad:

Sour smell: If the juice smells off or has a sour note, it’s best to discard it.

Mold growth or unusual growth: Any visible mold or unusual growth on the surface of the juice is a clear sign of spoilage. To avoid possible food poisoning, discard immediately. 

Off taste: If the juice tastes sour, fermented, or significantly different from when it was freshly juiced, it’s time to say goodbye.

Color changes: If the color of the juice darkens, it is a sign of oxidation. Discard the vegetable juice when this occurs.

While celery juice is best enjoyed fresh, it is possible to extend its shelf life by following proper storage techniques. Remember to refrigerate it promptly, use airtight containers, and consider freezing any excess juice to enjoy its health benefits for an extended period. By taking these precautions, you can savor the green goodness of celery juice for longer without worrying about it going bad.

Which is better? Home-made juice or store-bought?

Homemade celery juice and store-bought celery juice each have their unique advantages. Homemade celery juice offers complete control over the juicing process, ensuring the use of fresh, organic celery and the absence of any additives or preservatives. It allows for customization, enabling individuals to experiment with different flavor combinations and tailor the juice to their preferences.

On the other hand, store-bought celery juice provides convenience, making it readily available for those with busy lifestyles or limited access to fresh produce. However, store-bought options may sometimes contain added sugars or other ingredients, and their freshness can vary.

Ultimately, the choice between homemade and store-bought celery juice depends on one’s priorities, whether it’s absolute control over ingredients or the convenience of a grab-and-go option.

To juice celery effectively, you’ll need specific tools designed for juicing. Here’s a list of essential tools and equipment for juicing celery:

Juicer: A good quality juicer is the most crucial tool for making celery juice. There are two main types of juicers:

Centrifugal Juicer: These juicers work by rapidly spinning a blade to extract juice. They are generally faster but may generate some heat and produce slightly less juice than masticating juicers. Centrifugal juicers are a more budget-friendly option.

Masticating Juicer (Cold Press Juicer): Masticating juicers use a slower, crushing and squeezing action to extract juice. They are more efficient at extracting juice from celery and other leafy greens, and they tend to preserve more of the nutrients due to their low heat generation.

Celery Prep Tools:

Knife: A sharp knife is essential for cutting celery into smaller pieces that can fit into your juicer’s feed chute.

Cutting Board: Use a clean and sturdy cutting board to chop your celery and other ingredients.

Strainer or Nut Milk Bag: After juicing, you may want to strain your celery juice to remove any remaining pulp or fiber, especially if you’re using a centrifugal juicer. A fine mesh strainer or a nut milk bag works well for this purpose.

Pitcher or Container: You’ll need a container to collect the freshly juiced celery juice. Make sure it has a spout or pouring mechanism for easy serving.

Bowl for Pulp: Your juicer will separate the juice from the pulp. Have a bowl or container ready to collect the pulp for later use or composting.

Glass Bottles or Glass Mason Jars: If you plan to store your celery juice for later consumption, use a glass container with an airtight lid to maintain freshness.

Refrigerator: Once you’ve juiced your celery, it’s important to store it in the refrigerator at the appropriate temperature to maintain its freshness and nutritional value.

Cleaning Tools: Cleaning your juicer after use is essential to prevent residue buildup and maintain the juicer’s performance. Have a bottle brush or small cleaning brush, dish soap, and warm water ready for easy cleanup.

Optional tools: 

Citrus Juicer: If you plan to add citrus fruits like lemon to your celery juice, a citrus juicer or reamer can be handy for extracting the juice.

Sieve or Mesh Strainer: If you prefer an even smoother juice, you can strain it through a fine-mesh sieve to remove any tiny particles.

Blender: While not a traditional juicing tool, a blender can be used to make a celery smoothie by blending chopped celery with water and then straining the mixture to remove the fiber.

Investing in a good-quality juicer and maintaining it properly will ensure that you can make fresh celery juice easily and enjoy its health benefits to the fullest.

Celery Juice variations

While the classic celery juice recipe involves juicing just a fresh bunch of celery stalks, there are several variations and combinations you can explore to enhance the flavor and nutritional profile of your celery juice. Here are some popular variations, just make sure to use high quality organic produce for maximum benefits:

Celery and Cucumber Juice:

Ingredients: Celery stalks, cucumber

This combination adds a refreshing and slightly milder flavor to your celery juice. Cucumber is hydrating and provides additional vitamins and minerals.

Celery and Lemon Juice:

Ingredients: Celery stalks, lemon

Squeeze fresh lemon juice into your celery juice for a zesty kick. Lemon adds vitamin C and a bright, citrusy flavor.

Celery and Apple Juice: 

Ingredients: Celery stalks, apple

Apples sweeten and balance the earthy taste of celery. You’ll get a natural sweetness along with added vitamins and fiber.

Celery and Ginger Juice:

Ingredients: Celery stalks, fresh ginger

Fresh ginger root adds a spicy and warming element to celery juice. It’s also known for its potential digestive benefits.

Celery and Pineapple Juice:

Ingredients: Celery stalks, pineapple

Pineapple’s natural sweetness complements the celery’s earthiness. This combination is particularly refreshing and tropical.

Celery and Spinach Juice:

Ingredients: Celery stalks, spinach

Spinach is packed with nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Blending it with celery creates a green, nutrient-dense juice.

Celery and Kale Juice:

Ingredients: Celery stalks, kale leaves

Kale is another nutrient powerhouse. Combining it with celery yields a green juice rich in vitamins, minerals, and chlorophyll.

Celery and Carrot Juice:

Ingredients: Celery stalks, carrots

Carrots add natural sweetness and beta-carotene to your celery juice. This combination is both nutritious and flavorful.

Celery and Parsley Juice:

Ingredients: Celery stalks, parsley

Parsley is known for its fresh and herbaceous flavor. Adding it to celery juice can provide a burst of green goodness.

Celery and Beet Juice:

Ingredients: Celery stalks, beets

Beets add earthy sweetness and a vibrant red color to your celery juice. They are rich in antioxidants and beneficial compounds.

Celery and Turmeric Juice:

Ingredients: Celery stalks, fresh turmeric root

Fresh turmeric is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and distinctive flavor. Combining it with celery creates a health-boosting elixir.

Celery and Mint Juice:

Ingredients: Celery stalks, fresh mint leaves

Mint adds a cool, refreshing taste to your celery juice. It’s a great choice for a revitalizing drink.

Remember that the quantities of each ingredient can vary according to your taste preferences. Experiment with different combinations to discover your favorite celery juice variation. Additionally, consider using a juicer or blender, depending on the recipe, to achieve the desired consistency.


Celery juice is gaining popularity for its health benefits, but there’s often confusion about its storage and consumption.

How Far in Advance Can You Make Celery Juice?

  • Ideal Timeframe: Freshness is key! Ideally, consume celery juice immediately after juicing for the best nutrient profile.
  • Advance Preparation: If you need to prepare in advance, it’s recommended to make celery juice up to 24-48 hours before consumption. This timeframe helps maintain a good balance of freshness and convenience.

How Long Does Juicing Last in the Refrigerator?

  • Storage Lifespan: Celery juice can last in the refrigerator for 24-72 hours. However, the nutrient content decreases over time.
  • Optimal Storage: Store in an airtight container or a glass bottle to minimize oxidation and nutrient loss. Keep it at a consistent, cool temperature.

How Long After Drinking Celery Juice Can You Drink Water?

  • Wait Time: It’s suggested to wait at least 15-30 minutes after drinking celery juice before consuming water.
  • Why Wait?: This allows your body to fully absorb the nutrients from the juice without dilution from water.

Can I Pre-Make Celery Juice for the Week?

  • Weekly Preparation: While you can pre-make celery juice for the week, it’s important to remember that the longer the juice sits, the more nutrients it loses.
  • Best Practice: A better approach might be to juice every 2-3 days, ensuring a fresher juice with more retained nutrients.

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