How To Make Lychee Jelly For Bubble Tea: Easy Recipe

Making lychee jelly for bubble tea is an exciting way to enhance the flavor of this popular beverage. As a fan of bubble tea, I find that the addition of lychee jelly brings a unique and exotic taste to the drink that is both refreshing and satisfying. Lychee, a tropical fruit known for its sweet and floral taste, pairs perfectly with the creamy texture of milk tea. By turning this fruit into jelly, one can experience an enjoyable burst of flavor with each sip.

Adding homemade lychee jelly into my bubble tea has allowed me to customize the drink to suit my personal taste preferences. The lychee’s distinct sweetness complements the tea’s richness, creating lychee milk tea that stands out from the standard offerings in bubble tea shops. The process of making lychee jelly from scratch is a rewarding endeavor because it impacts the overall taste profile of lychee bubble tea, offering a homemade touch that can’t be found in commercially produced alternatives.

Ingredients Overview

When making lychee jelly for bubble tea, I consider the ingredients’ quality and type crucial to the final taste and texture. Specific choices can impact the jelly’s flavor and consistency, ensuring an enjoyable addition to the bubble tea experience.

Choosing the Right Lychees

Fresh lychees are typically found in the produce section of the grocery store or Asian markets. For authentic flavor, I prefer lychees from Southeast Asia; their balance of sweetness and tartness is perfect for jelly. If fresh lychees are not available, canned lychees can be an acceptable substitute, but ensure no additional sweeteners are included in the syrup.

Selecting Your Tea Base

The tea base is fundamental to the bubble tea experience. I suggest using either black tea, green tea, or fruit tea as a base. Each tea type brings a unique flavor that can complement the lychee jelly. I use black tea for a robust taste, green tea for a more delicate touch, or fruit tea if I’m aiming for a burst of fruity flavors.

Understanding Sweeteners

Sweetness in lychee jelly can be adjusted according to taste. White sugar provides a clean, sweet taste without affecting the lychee flavor, while brown sugar syrup can add a deeper, molasses-like undertone. It’s essential to balance the sweetness to avoid overpowering the delicate taste of the lychees.

Jelly Texturizers

Lastly, the texture of the jelly is defined by the texturizers used. Agar agar powder is a vegetarian option that gives a firmer set, whereas gelatin results in a softer, more gel-like consistency. Both need to be dissolved correctly to ensure the jelly sets without lumps. Other texturizers like tapioca pearls or nata de coco can also be added to the jelly for additional texture in the bubble tea.

Preparing the Lychee Base

A hand pours hot lychee syrup into a bowl of gelatin powder, stirring until dissolved

I understand the importance of a high-quality lychee base to ensure the best flavor for bubble tea. It involves extracting the essential parts of the fruit, creating a rich syrup, and integrating it with compatible tea flavors.

Extracting Lychee Pulp

First, I handle the lychees by peeling the fresh lychee fruit and removing the stones to extract the pulpy, aromatic center. I prefer using a small knife or paring knife and make sure to preserve as much juice as possible. The pulp is then set aside for later use and the collected juice is kept for further steps.

Crafting Lychee Syrup

Creating the lychee syrup requires combining the lychee juice with an equal measure of simple syrup. I heat this mixture over medium heat, just until the sugar is fully dissolved, stirring continuously for a uniform consistency. Then, I allow it to cool to room temperature, which helps in preserving the sweet, fragrant profile of the lychees.

Mixing with Tea Flavors

Incorporating tea flavors into the base is a matter of personal taste. I find that delicate teas complement the lychee well. Typically, black tea is a classic choice, brewed in cold water, which I infuse according to desired strength. The key is to cool the tea before adding it to the lychee syrup to maintain the integrity of the flavors without dilution from excess heat.

Jelly Making Process

Lychee jelly ingredients being mixed in a pot, heated, and poured into molds to set

The jelly making process for bubble tea involves precise steps and the careful use of ingredients like agar-agar powder to achieve the desired consistency and texture.

Cooking with Agar-Agar

I begin by mixing agar-agar powder with sugar, taking care to use a medium heat setting to avoid burning the mixture. I consistently stir the jelly mixture until the sugar and agar-agar are fully dissolved in hot water. This step is crucial for ensuring that the jelly sets properly without any clumping.

Setting the Jelly

Once the mixture is smooth, I pour it into a baking dish or an airtight container, depending on the shape I want for the jelly. The cooling process is important; I let the mixture cool to room temperature before moving it to the fridge to set. To retain the quality of the jelly, I store it in a dry place and ensure my bubble tea jelly has a good shelf life.

Assembling the Bubble Tea

Lychee jelly cubes being poured into a glass of freshly brewed bubble tea, surrounded by ingredients and utensils on a clean, white countertop

To create the perfect bubble tea, it’s essential to understand the composition. I’ll guide you through the intricate process of layering the ingredients and adding ice and toppings to ensure a delightful experience with every sip.

Layering Ingredients

First, I begin by placing a generous scoop of lychee jelly at the bottom of a clear serving glass, appreciating the jelly’s sweetness derived from the tropical lychee fruit. Next, I add a layer of cooked boba pearls, which provide a chewy contrast to the jelly’s soft texture. On top of the pearls, I sometimes opt for nata de coco or fresh fruit bits to introduce additional flavors and textures.

Adding Ice and Toppings

For a refreshing chill, I carefully add ice cubes to the glass, filling it to just below the brim. If I’m aiming for a richer taste, a splash of creamy coconut milk is my go-to, along with a spoonful of coconut pulp to intensify the tropical vibe. After pouring the freshly brewed tea, my bubble tea is nearly complete. The final touch — a dollop of frothy milk or a drizzle of extra lychee syrup — seals the deal, and it’s ready to enjoy.

Variations on Flavor

Classic MilkTraditional milk tea with tapioca pearls
TaroCreamy taro-flavored tea with tapioca pearls
MatchaGreen tea flavored with matcha powder
Thai TeaSpiced black tea with condensed milk
HoneydewSweet honeydew-flavored tea
MangoRefreshing mango-flavored tea
StrawberryFruity and sweet strawberry-flavored tea
PeachLight and fragrant peach-flavored tea
CoconutCreamy coconut-flavored tea
LavenderFloral and aromatic lavender-infused tea

Serving Suggestions

A clear glass filled with lychee jelly cubes floating in sweetened tea, with a colorful straw and lychee fruit garnish

When I make lychee jelly, I’m always thinking about the best ways to enjoy it in various drinks and with snacks that complement its sweet, floral flavor. It’s important for me to consider the presentation and matching flavor profiles to elevate the bubble tea experience.

Best Ways to Serve

Lychee jelly, with its delightful taste and texture, is the perfect topping for a wide variety of drinks beyond just bubble tea. I love to add it into iced tea for a refreshing twist, or mix it into smoothies for some added sweetness and a playful texture. To ensure maximum enjoyment, I usually chop the jelly into small, bite-sized pieces before adding it to drinks. This makes it easy to sip through a straw, enhancing the overall drinking experience.

  • Iced Tea: Add a few tablespoons of lychee jelly to a cold glass of iced tea, and watch the drink light up with a sweet and exotic touch.
  • Smoothies: Blend lychee jelly into smoothies for texture; it pairs wonderfully with tropical fruits like mango or pineapple.

Pairing with Snacks

The subtle sweetness of lychee coconut jelly makes it an excellent accompaniment to a cup of coconut water for a light tropical snack. I enjoy creating a heatmap of flavors by pairing the jelly with various Southeast Asian snacks, such as rice cakes or pandan-flavored treats. The gel-like consistency of the jelly contrasts delightfully with the crunch of these snacks, creating a satisfying mouthfeel and flavor blend.

  • Coconut Water: Enjoying lychee coconut jelly with a chilled cup of coconut water is hydrating and refreshing.
  • Southeast Asian Snacks: Savor the jelly with pandan waffles or sweet rice cakes for a delightful afternoon treat.

Storing Homemade Jelly

When I make lychee jelly, ensuring its longevity and taste quality is paramount. Proper storage means understanding the environment and conditions that best preserve the jelly’s freshness.

Maximizing Freshness

To maximize the freshness of homemade lychee jelly, I always use an airtight container. This prevents moisture from getting in and spoilage from occurring quickly. I make sure to store the container in a dry place to avoid any potential contamination or accelerated deterioration due to humidity. It’s crucial to keep the jelly away from excessive heat because it can cause it to melt or degrade, affecting overall texture and taste.

In preserving the jelly’s freshness, I sometimes use potassium sorbate as a preservative, which helps in extending the shelf life. Additionally, incorporating a small amount of citric acid not only adds a tartness that complements the lychee flavor but also acts as a natural preservative. It’s important to note that these additives should be used sparingly and according to food safety guidelines to maintain the jelly’s quality and safety for consumption.

Health Considerations

When preparing lychee jelly for bubble tea, it’s important for me to consider both the potential nutritional benefits and sugar content. Here’s a breakdown of these aspects to help ensure a healthier choice.

Nutritional Benefits

Lychee, the main ingredient in lychee jelly, is packed with nutrients. Its vitamin C content supports the immune system, and it also offers a good dose of potassium, which is crucial for heart health and muscle function. Moreover, I find that the small amounts of dietary fiber in lychees aid in digestion. Including the natural sweetness of the fruit can contribute to the overall health profile of my bubble tea.

Sugar Content and Alternatives

The traditional recipe for lychee jelly involves sugar, which can raise concerns regarding calorie intake and the risk of chronic diseases if consumed in excess. To lower the sugar content, I often consider alternatives like stevia or honey to attain that desired sweetness without the high levels of added sugar. These substitutes not only provide a different flavor profile but also help reduce the calorie count, which is especially beneficial for those of us looking to manage our sugar intake.

Frequently Asked Questions

In crafting the perfect lychee jelly for bubble tea, it’s key to understand both the ingredients and process required. I’ll cover the essentials, from ingredients to storage, ensuring your homemade lychee jelly is a bubble tea success.

What ingredients are needed to create lychee jelly for bubble tea?

I find that the essential ingredients for lychee jelly include lychee juice or puree, sugar, and agar-agar as a gelling agent. Depending on your recipe, extras like fresh lychee pieces can enhance the flavor and texture.

Can you explain the steps involved in making lychee jelly for inclusion in bubble tea?

The process begins by mixing lychee juice with sugar and agar-agar in a pot, heating until they dissolve completely. This hot mixture is then poured into a tray to set. Once firm, the jelly is cut into cubes perfect for adding to bubble tea.

Is there a vegetarian or vegan option for making lychee jelly used in bubble tea?

Yes, agar-agar, the gelling agent I use, is derived from seaweed, making it suitable for vegetarians and vegans. Unlike gelatin, which is animal-based, agar-agar is a plant-based alternative, ideal for plant-based diets.

How can you achieve the perfect consistency for lychee jelly meant for bubble tea?

Achieving the perfect jelly consistency involves precise measurement of agar-agar and careful control of the heating process. Stir the mixture until the agar completely dissolves and monitor the setting process to ensure a firm but chewy texture.

Are there any common mistakes to avoid when making lychee jelly for bubble tea?

A common mistake to avoid is underestimating the setting power of agar-agar, which can set at room temperature. Ensure you have your setting tray prepared in advance and avoid overcooking the mixture, as this may affect the jelly’s texture.

How can homemade lychee jelly be stored for future use in bubble tea?

Once the lychee jelly has set and been cut into desired shapes, I store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Properly stored, the jelly can last for up to one week, maintaining its texture and flavor for future bubble tea enjoyment.

Lychee Jelly for Bubble Tea

Recipe by kitcheneasylifeCourse: DrinksCuisine: TaiwaneseDifficulty: Medium


Prep time


Cooking time



This delightful beverage combines the floral sweetness of lychee with the chewy texture of tapioca pearls, making it a perfect treat for any time of the day.


  • For the Lychee Jelly:

  • 1 cup lychee juice (from canned lychees or fresh lychees)

  • 1/4 cup water

  • 2 tablespoons sugar

  • 2 teaspoons agar agar powder

  • For the Bubble Tea:

  • 1/2 cup cooked tapioca pearls (boba)

  • 1 cup brewed black tea, chilled

  • 1/4 cup lychee syrup (from canned lychees or store-bought)

  • 1/4 cup milk or non-dairy milk alternative

  • Ice cubes


  • Prepare the Lychee Jelly:
  • In a small saucepan, combine the lychee juice, water, and sugar. Bring to a simmer over medium heat, stirring until the sugar dissolves.
  • Sprinkle the agar agar powder over the liquid and whisk continuously to prevent clumps.
  • Continue to simmer for 2-3 minutes, until the agar agar is fully dissolved.
  • Remove from heat and pour the mixture into a shallow dish or mold. Let it cool and set in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour.
  • Once set, cut the lychee jelly into small cubes and set aside.
  • Prepare the Bubble Tea:
  • Cook the tapioca pearls according to the package instructions. Once cooked, rinse them under cold water and drain.
  • In a glass, add a handful of ice cubes.
  • Pour in the brewed black tea, lychee syrup, and milk.
  • Stir well to combine.
  • Add a spoonful of the lychee jelly cubes and cooked tapioca pearls to the glass.
  • Insert a bubble tea straw, give it a final stir, and enjoy your refreshing Lychee Jelly Bubble Tea!

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